| Chapter 26 |

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Zoe's POV

The next day I woke up before William, so I cooked something for us. I was in the kitchen when I heard footsteps coming downstairs.

"F**k..." He entered the kitchen, rubbing his face.

"I got you some aspirin," I said. He jolted back in surprise and blinked at me, then his eyes widened.

"What are you doing here?" He groaned.

"Why don't you sit down, then we'll talk." I gestured towards the medicine and water on the table.

"Thanks." He muttered, sitting on a stool and took the medicine.

"Feeling better?" I asked, and he shook his head. "Do you remember our chat last night?" I carefully asked.

He sat there staring at particularly nothing in deep thoughts.

"Yeah. I remember." I sighed in relief when he responded. "Next time..." I tensed when he continued. "We'll talk when I'm not wasted."

"Alright." I gave him a cheeky grin. He nodded, then I placed his breakfast in front of him. "Here. I made you breakfast."

He looked at the egg, beacon, and little burned toast.

"You know how to cook?" He asked darting his eyes between the meal and me.

"No... but I know how to fry eggs," I smirked. He inspected the food, then shrugged and put the egg in his mouth. "Okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's edible." He said in a monotone.

My heart fell, but when the corner of his mouth twisted, I knew he was joking. Grinning, I took a seat in front of him and ate mine. Dad entered the kitchen yawning and rubbed his eyes as he stepped in front of the refrigerator.

"Morning kids."

"Morning Dad." William and replied simultaneously.

Dad halted and glanced over at the fridge door. His wide eyes darted between me and William eating our breakfast peacefully.

"Y-You are both eating breakfast... together."

"Yes, Dad. What's so surprising about it?" William rolled his eyes.


"Come here, Dad. I made you breakfast too." I patted the seat beside me and tried to control my laugh at his reaction.

"Ok..." He narrowed his eyes at us and sat on the stool.

"I'm done," William announced, getting up. "Thank you for the breakfast, Zoe." He smiled and left.

"Is he sick or something?" Dad gaped, watching William leave.

"We had a pretty friendly chat last night." I giggled.

✶ ✶ ✶

At school, everyone gossiped about William and his friends getting expelled, but they were shocked to see them in school. Rumors floated William lost his cool over Stella and kicked Harry's a**.

As for Griffin, he was acting weird lately. It felt like he was constantly flirting with me, which made me confused. I thought he didn't like me like that and now he gazed at me like I'm the only girl in this world.

The next few days went like this. Everyone was glad to see William and I talking and teasing each other like siblings. It was like in a flick of fingers everything changed and I was so happy, yet I wasn't.

Because I had to leave on Friday. I still told no one and was having fun, so I kept it to myself. I watched William practicing for his trials with his team.

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