| Chapter 7 |

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Zoe's POV

This is awkward.

The rest of us were still sitting silently in the living room while William and Stella were upstairs. Out of the blue 'Love me like you do' blared, we all look at where it was coming from, or from whom.

"Excuse me." Eric gave a sheepish smile. "It's my mom." He picked up his phone. "Yes, Mom... but I'm busy with my friends." He whispered, peeking at me. "Yes, it's important... ugh fine... I'm coming." He groaned and cut the call. "My mom needs me to babysit my brothers, I have to go now."

"We need to go too, Liam," Evelyn eyed him.

"Why? We don't need to babysit anyone." Liam dropped his head in confusion.

"I told you I need some important work to do." Evelyn narrowed her eyes which made Liam hop on his feet.

"I remember now... we have very very important work to do. Bye, see you guys later!" He stuttered, dashing towards the door.

"It was nice meeting you, Zoe." Evelyn smiled, shaking my hand. "I uh... wish you luck with meeting your dad."

Aww, she's so sweet.

"It was nice meeting you all too." I returned her smile.

"Hope to meet you again, Zoe." Eric grinned, walking backward. "I would have stayed with you but my mom was not in good." He whispered the last part like his mom was standing behind him.

"I'm sure we'll meet again." That made him smile.

He's a sweet guy.

If you minus the weird staring and personal space thing.

I watched them leave the house and when I heard the door click, I let out a sigh of relief. Closing my eyes, I plopped back on the couch, forgetting that there was still one person left. I peeked through my one eye and saw him glaring at me. Clearing my throat, I sat straight, and then my stomach growled.

Shot! I have eaten nothing since morning.

I glimpsed at Garfield to see if he heard it. His eyes twinkled and his lips pressed together, trying not to laugh.

Son of a biscuit! This is embarrassing!

Heat crawled up my neck in shame and I took my phone out to text Bob to order something to eat.

"Don't you have anywhere to go?" I asked Garfield.

I didn't mean to sound rude, I was trying to divert his attention from my humiliation.

"I'm perfectly fine here." He replied in a stern voice and sprawled on the couch beside me. Putting his right hand behind me on the couch's head, he got comfortable.

I have to talk to him then.

"How long have you known William?" I wondered. They looked pretty close to me.

"Since we were kids."

Wow, I had a feeling they were close.

"You guys go to the same school-"

"Listen here." He snapped, cutting me off. "If what you're saying is true about being his sister, then a lot of things are going to mess up here-" He's right. "-why don't you meet Mr. Brown today and leave after that." He ordered.

Leave, just like that?

Not happening, Garfield.

"I didn't cross State just to meet him and leave," I glared straight into his eyes. If he thought he could scare me, then he was wrong. "I am staying for as long as I want," I added.

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