| Chapter 27 |

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Zoe's POV

I lay in Griffin's arm, still processing what he told me. I always thought it was just me who was lost all the time. But everyone has a different issue and they have their ways to deal with them.

"You know about Dad." I knew that when he stopped me from saying it.

"Yes." He whispered. "And whatever running in that small head of yours, stop it."

"I can't. They both lied to us about what happened and dad..." I sniffed. "... He never considered me as his daughter. He was nice to me just because he felt guilty for what happened to his wife-"

"That's not true."


"I'm not done." Gulping, I listened to him. "I have seen how he changed since you came, Zoe. He may have felt guilty for what happened, but I was there the day he first saw you. I wrote it all over his face that he was happy."

"But he said-"

"Maybe he said that because he was angry that you had to leave and he couldn't stop you. Believe me, Zoe, I know how he was before you. He was worried sick when we told him about you missing and he looked like a mess. He may have said those things to Will, but he doesn't feel like that."

"How do you know?"

"Because I've heard him talk to my dad about you. How proud he is of you, you handle everything maturely and gave him a chance even though you knew he failed the first time."

"He said that?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes. He's just mad that he couldn't do anything to stop you." I nodded. "You didn't tell me you are leaving tomorrow."

"I-I wanted to spend my remaining time happily, and I didn't want anyone to get sad."

He shifted to his side and looked straight into my eyes. "Why do you bottle everything, Zoe? Let it out. I'm here for you."

I felt my heart drumming in my chest and my lips quivered.

"Why are you so nice Garfield?!" I cried out and sat on my legs.

"Shit! Please stop crying, Zoe..." He tried to calm me down and hugged me. "F**k. Why am I the one who always makes you cry?" He mumbled to himself, but I heard him.

"I don't know!" I sobbed and his eyes widened.

"Please stop crying. I'll do anything for you..." Now that made me stop.

"Anything?" I sniffed.

"Yes." He breathed.

"Call dad and say sorry to him from me." He frowned. "I don't think I can face him, so help me." I finished wiping my face.

"Ok." He dialed William's number.

"Dude, where you are, and why haven't you come back?! Is she okay?" William's anxious voice came.

"She's okay. Now give your phone to Mr. Brown. I want to talk to him."


"Just do it, Will!" He scowled, making me smile.

"Hello?" Dad's brittle voice came.

"Hello, Mr. Brown. I want to tell you that Zoe is sorry for making you worried like that. She is ashamed of her behavior and wants you to forgive her."

"Sorry to Zoe. I shouldn't have said those things. I was angry an-"

"It's alright, dad." I cut him off. "I just got emotional, and I didn't ask you an-"

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