Valentine's Day bonus

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Zoe's POV.

I woke up from my alarm blaring, and sat straight on my bed, looking around my room.

My room.

Giggling, I hopped off my bed and went to the attached bathroom to get ready for school. A lot has changed since I came back from California and started living with my dad and William.

It was a good thing that my dad owned a construction company. With the help of his workers, he added an extension to our house and made me a room. It wasn't as big as the one I had in California, but it was enough for me and I loved it. As for William, he will go to college in a few months.

It was five months ago when everyone came to my birthday to get me back to Texas and William's trails. He was exhausted from all the drama but still played with his heart since it was his passion and got into UT Austin with a scholarship.

Time flies so fast.

I wore my knee-length red frock with white heels and went downstairs. Today was the fourteenth of February and everyone knows the occasion is special, especially for lovers.

Just thinking about Griffin made butterflies swirl in my stomach. We have been dating for five months now and he was serious about the infinite date part. We have been going on dates every weekend and today was Wednesday, but I knew he must have planned something.

"Good morning." I greeted Dad and William as I entered the kitchen and took a seat at the dining table. Dad greeted me back while William gave me a nod with his mouth full, making me chuckle.

William and I've been on good terms since we came back, and I couldn't be happier than that. We had a rough start with all the confusion and drama, but everything got back to normal... Maybe even better than that.

"Special occasion?" William gave me a smug grin as he eyed my dress.

"Don't act like you don't know." I retorted, giving him a knowing smirk. He pressed his lips to hide his smile and gave me a half-shrug.

"It seems like you two will be busy tonight," Dad said, making us both choke.

"I've no idea what you're talking about." William and I said simultaneously and side glanced at each other. Dad cracked up and opened his mouth to say something, but William cut him off.

"I'll go get my bag and then we'll leave." He shot me a look. "Or else we'll get late for school."

"Yes, we will." I bobbed my head and quickly finished my breakfast.

"Kids these days." Dad chuckled, shaking his head.

William drove me to school, and sometimes Griffin does. Bob stayed back in California. He offered to come with me, but I refused. I came here to live with my family and I couldn't keep him away from his, I've people here who care for me and will protect me.

"Ready?" William's voice came from behind. Nodding my head, I grabbed my bag, and bid farewell to Dad, then walked to William's truck.

We were on our way to school when my phone rang. I took it out and my lips stretched into a huge grin when I saw my mom's name.

"Hi, Mom," I said after picking up the call.

"Oh, my baby. I missed you so much." I giggled at her.

This is the first thing she says every time. Since I moved to Texas, we didn't talk every day on the phone like before. She finally realized that her sweet little girl has grown up and that it was time to let her go and then hold her forever.

I'm thankful for my mother and everything she did for me. I love her for that and I'll never forget the sacrifices she made for me.

"I missed you too," I murmured. "Happy Valentine's day Mom. Did you get my flowers?"

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