| Chapter 12 |

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Griffin’s POV

This never happened to me before. I’ve kissed a fair share of girls but never felt this. I kept my eyes closed and waited in anticipation for her soft lips to touch mine instead they touched my cheek.


My eyes opened in a snap and I saw her smirking at me.

“Seriously cheek?” The girl who dared her complained as everyone booed her.

“Give us some action!” Mason snickered with others.

“You didn’t specifically tell me where.” Zoe shrugged and went to her seat.

Stella and Evelyn were also laughing, giving high-fives to each other. I was busy trying to process what happened when someone poked my cheek.

“Dude.” I bent my head and saw Eric smirking at me. “You are blushing.” He whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

The entire room cracked up and I smacked his hand away.

“I’m not.” I scoffed and glanced at Will, who was glaring at me.

What did I do?

Everyone snickered and made joked about me blushing. I flipped my finger and glanced at her. She had her mouth covered with her hand as she giggled behind it.

When her sparkling eyes met mine, I narrowed my eyes. She coughed and sat up straight, giving me a cheeky grin.

You’re on princess!

✶ ✶ ✶

The next day I was with Will and Liam, working on his car in my dad’s workshop. He was pacing around furiously with his fingers gripping his hair.

“She is making my blood boil!” He fumed.

“Dude, chill, you’re going to dig a hole like that.” Liam teased.

Will shot him a glare and sat on the hood of another car. It was Saturday and Dad gave everyone off. He was in his office working on his bills. We had a small shop attached at the front of the workshop where we sell car parts and other things related to automobiles.

“We have to do something else. She will not go that easily!” Will began.

He’s been like that since last night’s party. He got Zoe was strong and some prank wouldn’t make her run away. I was kind of glad when I saw her laughing with everyone at the party.

It kind of lessened my guilt.

“What else do you want to do, Will? Shoot her?” I said, working on the engine.

“That’s a great idea!” He exclaimed, making me look at him with wide eyes.


“Just kidding.” I relaxed and get back to work and he added. "Besides, I don’t have a gun.” I narrowed my eyes at him and he threw his hands in surrender.

“We can post something on her blog, that’ll make her go away,” Liam suggested while texting.

“That will not work.” Will stood, pacing again. I closed the car hood and cleaned my hands with a towel.

“Your car is done.” He ignored me and looked deep into his thoughts.

“We can call his boyfriend saying she’s cheating on him?” Liam continued.

“And her boyfriend will believe you?” I scoffed.

I knew Zoe for only a few weeks, and she wasn’t that type of girl. I was sure her boyfriend must know her more than me.

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