Christmas with the Characters pt 2

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This is about Ron Weasley

You smiled brightly as Molly handed you a small package with a green ribbon on it.
"Here you go dear, I hope you like it" she says softly. You nod your head and take it from her.
"I'm sure I'll love it" you assure her. She smiles before stepping back to watch you open it.
You rip open the red packaging only to be greeted with a knitted, white sweater with (the first letter of your name) sewn into the middle.
"Mrs. Weasley it's lovely" you beam, hugging it close to your chest. She smiles before walking over to you.

"Well try it on dear, I need to know if it fits" she explains. You smile before standing up and slipping the sweater over your head.
"You look wonderful deary" she says, smiling at you. You giggle and pull the sweater down all the way.

"It fits just how I like" you say.

You pull your hair out from under the sweater as you hear footsteps on the stairs.

"Y/n? Where are" Ron whispers the last part. You blush slightly to yourself.
"Does it look bad?" You ask, straightening it out with your hands. He jumps off the last stair, shaking his head and running over to you.

"No, absolutley not. You" he says once more.
You giggle and nudge his shoulder.
"Looks like I'm part of the family now" you beam. He smiles and pulls you into a kiss.

"You've been part of this family since the minute you've stepped foot into this house" Ron mumbles as his forehead presses against yours.

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