How they are in my DR ~ only students

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This is how the characters are in my DR. Along with my favorite story of what they have done. I'll do a separate one with teachers.

Harry is a complete softy and a baby in my DR. He loves to be held and likes to cuddle. I dated Harry once, but we ended it because I felt like I was dating my brother because of how close we are.
One time, Harry and I were by the black lake just chilling, and a first year ran up to us crying.
"What's wrong?" Harry asks.
"That blonde boy over there called me a mudblood!" The first year said, pointing towards Draco.
Harry immediately got up, his fists and jaw clenching.
He stomped over to Malfoy, grabbed him by his collar and pushed him back.
"Don't you ever hurt a first year. Ever again."

Ron is an absolute bitch in my DR. We fight all the freaking time. Probably because I'm dating his brother....but still! He's so mean to me like bro needs to chill. But, he doesn't like it when other people are mean to me? Like he will literally bully the shit out of me, but as soon as someone else does it....he gets pissed. Again, prolly cuz I'm dating his brother but still.

Ron and I were sitting in the common room along with Harry and Hermione. Seamus came in and took my boom away from me, and threw it into the fire.
Ron immediately got up and threw Seamus into a wall, and then walked out.

Hermione is my mf hoe. I love her with all of my heart. She is so sweet, and helps me with whatever I need. No matter how stupid she thinks it is.

I wanted her to help me come up with a potion to prank the twins, and she was very hesitant...because she low-key has a crush on Fred, but she helped anyways.
We wound up giving the twins a potion that turned them into girls for 48 hours, and they wouldn't talk to us for a week.

Neville is one of my plugs for homework answers. He is so smart, no matter how much he tells you he's not.

I was struggling with my homework, and Neville just came up beside me, sat down, and pulled out his herbology books and flipped to the same page I was on.
He then proceeded to explain the homework and questions better than what professor Sprout did.

She is absolutely crazy and I love her sm. She is such a sweetheart and I would recommend being friends with her....10/10

We were dancing in the great hall one time in front of everyone, and afterwards she gave me a huge hug and told me that I was the only person that had ever agreed to dance with her🥺

Ginny's is a badass in my DR. Like, this bitch just don't care. But, she does have a soft spot for Hermione and me:)

One time, Malfoy was bullying and picking on Harry...and Ginny walked up to him, put her wand on his throat...and then told him to back away and run before she hexed him into next week. When I tell you that this man ran so fast🤚💀

Cedric is a complete gentleman. He is the consent king about EVERYTHING.

One time during class, we were just messing around and stuff, and he accidentally dropped his pencil next to me....and proceeded to ask if he could bend down and pick it up because he didn't wanna make me feel uncomfortable by being "too close" to me.

I love Oliver. He is my bestfran. No I'm jk, he's a bitch. I play quidditch, and I stg this man has a degrading

One time during practice, I fell off of my broom and started to cry...cuz imma big baby, and this man started laughing at me and proceeded to call me a baby. Then when I got back up, I stole ome of Fred's bats and hit a bludger at Oliver, and then laughed when he fell off of his broom.

I hate him. Sm. He's a bully and you can't change my mind.

He was bullying a 2nd year, and then I pushed him and comforted the 2nd year. Then at dinner, he tried to use a morphing spell on me, and Moody turned him into a duck in front of everyone💀🤚

Now he is for real my bestfran. I love Freddie, he ma bitch. He's kind of mean though. He likes to prank Filtch and Umbridge, which I don't mind. But he likes to prank me too, and it makes me mad lol.

One time, he put a farting cushion under Umbridge's chair, and when she sat down it sounded like this bish ate a whole family pack from Taco bell💀
She tried to give him detention, but then him and George blew up her entire room with fireworks!

George is my manz. No literally, he's my boyfriend in my DR lol. I love George, he's very sweet and a soft boy...but that's how I like him so yeah:)

One time, we were cuddling in the common room, and Ron came down the stairs and started gagging. George shot up so fast, started chasing him around the room, and then pinned him down and started yelling at him "you're just mad because Lavender can't cuddle like Makenna can!"

Tom is my cousin lmao. We get along really well, he's one of my favorite people.

One time, we were at a family reunion and this bitch had the AUDACITY to be late. So he left me there with all of our old ass relatives for 2 whole fucking hours.
When he finally did show up, I ran up and slapped the fuck out of him, and made him take me to get icecream and fries💀🤚

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