Don't leave ~ Cedric Diggory & Harry Potter

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Your chest was rising and falling rapidly as you grab both, Cedric and Harry's hands, pulling them towards the small opening in the maze.

"I really thought that you were going to leave me behind back there, Potter" Cedric mumbles, nudging Harry's side as he scoffs.

"I'm not that mean, Diggory. I saw that you were in trouble!" Harry pleads as Cedric nods sarcastically.

"Boys! This is really not the time to argue right now" you hiss as they both nod and follow after you.

When you reach the opening, you're immediately shoved into the wall, a hand wrapping around your throat aggressively.

You gasp for hair as the hand jolts away, the man falling to the ground as Cedric holds his wand to the man's throat.

"Who are you?! What do you want?!" Harry asks, looking around the area frantically.
Your vision refocuses and lands on Voldemort.
"What the hell?!" You yell as he makes eye contact with you.

"Woowww. Well if it isn't y/n y/l/n....I thought that Draco took care of you a long time ago" Voldemort retorts as you shake your head and smile devilishly.

"Gonna have to send someone a little more experienced then Malfoy if you're going to kill me" you explain as he scoffs.

"I'm sure we can find someone that can actually get the job done" he assures you as you scoff.

"Whatever....why are you here?" You ask bluntly as he chuckles.

"Really? No, Hi uncle've you been?" He asks sarcastically as you roll your eyes.

"Uncle?" Cedric asks, cocking an eyebrow as you nod.
"Yep" you say, popping the P.

"I knew it! I knew you were evil!" Harry yells, pointing his hand at you.

Your eyes widen as you throw your hands up in defense.
Cedric grabs your shoulders and pushes you behind him.

"Calm down, Potter. I'm not like know that" you plead as Harry shakes his head.
"You're a trader!" He yells, walking towards you.

"Leave her alone, Harry" Cedric warns, pointing his wand at Harry.

Harry's eyes widen as his hands drop to his sides.
"Really? You're going to protect her over-" Harry begins, but just as he was about to finish, Voldemort raises his wand and points it towards you.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" He yells. The green light shoots towards you.

Your eyes close shut as you wait for the spell to hit your body.
When it never does, you peek one eye open.
You gasp and scream in horror as Cedric fell to the ground. His lifeless body limp.

You immediately drop to his side, shaking him rapidly.

Harry begins to scream for Help as Voldemort apperates away.

Tears stream down your face as you try to mumble some healing spells. Nothing was working.

"Y/n..  we have to get back" Harry pleads as you shake your head.

"N-not without him.....please don't leave me, Ced" you cry, laying your head on his chest, trying to listen for a heartbeat.
When you can't hear anything, more tears make their way to your eyes.

"Y/n.....we'll bring him back" Harry suggests, laying a hand on your shoulder.

"N-no....I can't leave him!" You plead as Harry walks towards the triwizard cup.
He picks it up and walks towards you and Cedric.
You grab onto Cedric's shoulder as Harry placing his hand in your upper back.

"Ready?" He asks as you nod hesitantly.

Within minutes, your back in front of the crowd.
The roars coming from the crowd deafened you as you laid on Cedric's chest.
Harry clung to his arm as Dumbelfore tried to pull you both off.

"STOP!" You scream as Amos drops to your side.

"W-what happened?!" He asks frantically.

You shake your head and look up at him.

"It's Voldemort. He's back" Harry pleadd as Dumbledore hugs him.

"It's alright Harry" he assures him.

Amos wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a hug as you both cry into each others shoulders.

"I tried to bring him back....I really did" you try to explain.
Amos shakes his head and pulls away, his hands still on your shoulders.

"This was not your you hear me?!" He asks, viciously shaking your shoulders.

A tear falls down your face as you nod hesitantly.

"Yeah. I guess you're right"

Sorry, this one sucked. I'm trying to finish this book asap.

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