Umbridge's detention(all boys)

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This is a preference of how the boys would react to you having detention with umbridge and how they comfort you when you leave

You walk down the hallway funing with anger. Your boyfriend Harry calling after you telling you to be good and don't talk back to Umbridge. Of course you didn't listen and you just kept walking. When you arrived at her classroom you knocked on the door. Her annoying high pitched voice carried down the hallway. "Come in" she hissed. You sigh before opening the doors. You close your eyes tightly at the sight of all the bright shades of pink. She rolls her eyes before handing you a quil and a piece of paper. "I will not disrespect my teachers" "How many times?" You grumble. "Unitl it is permanently with you" she growls. You rolls your eyes before sitting at a desk and bringing the pen to the paper. You already knew what the blood quil was, but you weren't really worried about it. You had a high pain tolerance(sorry if you don't) and a little cat scratch never hurt you. Anyways, you were beginning to write your sentences. About the 5th sentence, you started feeling a little burning sensation at the top of your hand. You roll your eyes before looking down and seeing blood drip down your hand. You wipe it away and continue to write.
About an hour later the burning was extremely painful, but you didn't dare let a tear fall from your eyes. You placed the last period on your paper before going up and slamming it down on the desk. Umbridge jolts up, spilling all of her tea. "How dare you, you little hooligan!" She barks. You throw the quil at her before grabbing your things and stomping out of the classroom. You hear her yelling at you, but you just keep walking. You turn the corner to get to your dorm, but bump into Harry instead. "Great" you thought in your head. He looks at you with gentle eyes. "How are you feeling?" "I'm fine Harry. Just please let me get back to my dorm" He furrows his eyebrows at you. "Wait, you had detention with Umbridge right?" "Yeah so what?" "Uh is your hand okay?" He reaches for your hand, but you quickly jerk it away. "Harry I said I'm fine now please move!" You begin to walk around him before he grabs your wrist. You hiss in pain. He quickly lets go. "I'm sorry y/n" a tear falls from your eyes. You feel him pull you into a hug. You don't resist. He hugs you while rubbing your back soothingly. "You know y/n, you don't always have to be so tough around people. Especially me. I love you" "I love you too" he smiles before kissing your forehead.

Ron pulls you into a hug before walking down the hall away from you. You sigh before turning around and staring at all the cat pictures apon the wall. You gulp before opening the door. The door immediately slams in your face.  "There is a thing called knocking Ms. L/n" you sigh before knocking. "Come in" you push open the door before walking towards her. She grins an evil grin at you before pouting to a empty desk. "Sit" you nod before walking over to the desk and sitting down. She comes over and slams a quil and a piece of paper down on your desk. "I will pay attention in all my classes, 50 times" "50?!" She nods before walking away. Now a little back story on you. You were a very shy person who doesn't really talk to anybody outside of your house. New things scared you, getting in trouble scared you, so when you four out that you had detention with Umbridge, you were really scared. You also don't deal with pain well either. To shorten it up, you were a big baby. But that's why Ron fell in love with you. He always loved protecting you and making you feel better. Anyways, you didn't know anything about the blood quil. Just heard rumors about it. But once you started writing, the stinging sensation started. You wince in pain before shaking it off, just thinking ig was nerves or something. Then once you placed your quil on the paper, it started happening again. This time much worse. You whimpered in pain and sat the quil down. Umbridge looked at you over her newspaper. "Write" you sigh before grabbing the quil and start writing again. A single tear falls from your eyes before you finish the 2nd sentence.
Hot tears stream down your face as you set the paper down on the desk. Umbridge lowers her newspaper and looks at you and giggles. "You may leave now" you quickly grab your things and run out of the classroom. As soon as you walk out the door you are engulfed in a hug from Ron. You son into his sweater while he rubs your back. "Shhhhh it's okay, I know it hurts" he gently grabs your hand before waving his wand over it mumbling a few words. The words slowly vanish before they are completely gone. The pain subsides. You hug him. "Thank you" you mumble. "Anything for you, princess"

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