Answer to your question ~ Fred Weasley

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I walk up to the twins, tugging on Fred's sweater sleeve.
He turns around, and furrows his eyebrows.
"What do you want Campbell?" (He always calls me by my last name)

"I have to ask you something" I say as George wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Well to on with it then" Fred says, messing up my hair.
I groan and punch him in the arm.

"My friend wanted me to ask you a couple questions about your type" I explain.
Fred rolls his eyes and sits down.

"I've already told you, you git" he snips.
"Yeah yeah yeah, but this is specific" I plead.

He sighs before placing his head in his hands.

"Okay okay....sooo what about Hair color? Like- does it matter if they have red hair?" I ask.
"Well no- I would be a little weird because she would look like a Weasley but I mean- I guess if she dates me....she will be one day" he says.
I giggle as George scoffs.

"Okay okay, next question. What about theater rats? Like, do you like people in drama and choir?" I ask.

"Oh hell yes! I love someone who's gonna sing to me, or make something over dramatic. I find that stuff really funny" he explains.

I nod and pull out my phone. (I have a phone in my dr)
I pull out a picture of Sedona.

"This is the girl who's asking" I say.

"Holy-" he begins, his mouth gaping open.
"Wow Fred...someone actually likes you!" George beams.

I giggle and smack him softly.

"She's been trying to get to you Freddie. She's just having a bit of trouble" I explain.
He nods before grabbing my phone.

I furrow my eyebrows as he begins to type something.

After about 2 minutes he hands it back to me, it has a message on it.

(This is the message, word for word...because I woke up right after this and I remembered)

Dear Sedona,
I know things are tough right now, and I just wanna let you know that I'm here for you. And I can't wajt until you come to visit me! I can't wait to give you the biggest hug ever!
-Fred Weasley.

Okay you go love! I hope you like his response. I sure thought it was adorable.

And for anyone who cares, when I got back to my dr....everyone was fine. In fact, Harry started crying when he saw me, because he missed me😭
And Fred is fine and recovering well from the curse!

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