Enemies to Lovers~Draco Malfoy

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Requested by: CelinaBie

Fair warning, this one is going to be long

You sit in your classroom, Pansy and Blaise beside you.

"Where'd you say you were from again?" Pansy asks with a smirk.

You swallow hard and look over at her.
"America, I transferred from a school over there" you explain.
She nods and continues to mix the potion.

"And who'd you say was your family?" Blaise asks.
"The Lupins-" you begin.

"Pathetic" you hear a voice hiss behind you.
You quickly turn around to face the person.
A platinum blonde boy, who has an evil smirk on his face was staring at you.
"What did you just say to me?" You ask him.
He rolls his eyes and bites his cheek.

"I called your family pathetic. What are you going to do about it?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow.
You scoff and turn your body, so that you are completely facing him.

"Oh I don't know- I guess if you want to wake up with all your bleached hair, you'd better shut your trap!" You snap at him.
His eyes widen as he slumps down in his chair.
You smirk and turn back around.

"Dang, I like her" you hear Blaise retort.
"Yeah, me too" Pansy adds.
You giggle and shake your head.

You hear snickering from behind you, so you turn around to see where it was coming from. You were surprised to see the Blonde boy you had just insulted. His once, devilish smirk had turned into a frown.
You roll your eyes and continue to write down notes for the class.


It was dinner, everyone was gathered in the great hall.
Dumbledore was rambling on and on about what the school year was going to look like.

Pansy was seated beside you, Blaise right across from her. The only open spot at the table was right next to you.
Your eyes widen as you see the blonde boy that you had insulted before, walking down the isles in between tables.
He scoffed once he saw the the only open spot at the table was next to you.
"Like wise" you fire at him.
"Just shut your mouth and don't talk to me, you filthy little mudblood" he hisses.
Your eyes begin to fill with tears at his insult.
You quickly look away as he sits beside you.
Then you decided that no one was going to call you a mudblood and get away with it. You harshly whip your head around to look at him. He looks up at you and furrows his eyebrows.

Pansy smiles at the sudden drama that had just rose at the Slytherin table.

"What's your problem with me?" You ask him.
"My problem with you?! You're the one who insulted me in potions!" He pleads.
"Yeah because you talked bad about my family you daft dimbo!" You protest.
"Ah look, here were go again with the insults and name calling" he snaps.

"Name calling? You really wanna talk about name calling?" you ask, inching closer and closer to his face.
He slowly backs away and scratches the back of his neck.

"Uh-n-no I guess not" he mumbles.
"Oh no, please do tell me how I so helplessly asked what your problem was, and you resorted to calling me the worst name to call a wizard or witch! Please! Please tell ME how I am the bad guy here. I would just love to know" your voice had ice and anger in it.
Pansy rested her hand on your shoulder in a comforting manner as all of the Slytherins stared at Draco in disgust.

"I-I'm sorry-" he begins.
"Just get lost Draco"


You were sitting in your dorm, hugging your knees to your chest as Pansy and Blaise sat on the floor.

"Y/n- I'm sure he didn't mean it. Draco just doesn't know how to make a proper first impression-" Pansy explains.
You look up and shake your head before laying down.
"I don't think he knows how to make any impressions besides being a total asshole" you plead.

You feel your bed dip down as you look up and see Blaise.
"Y/n you don't understand what kind of family Draco comes from. His family is a bunch of know it all assholes that think that they are better than everyone else. Draco does have a good side, he just can't always show it" he explains.

You sif up and nod as he gives you a reassuring hug.

There was a soft knock at the door.

You all raise your heads to see Draco standing in the doorway.
He had a look of sorrow on his face as Pansy and Blaise stood up.

"Uhhh y/n I think he's here for you" Pansy suggests. You nod as they walk out the door, leaving you and Draco in the room alone.

There was an awkward moment of silence for about 3 minutes.

"Why are you here?" You ask, finally breaking the silence.
"I-I'm sorry for calling you a mudblood" you hear his voice crack as he leans against the doorway some more.
You look up to see his red, gray and puffy eyes looking into your (y/e/c) ones.

"Draco were you- were you crying?" You ask, standing up from you bed.

"Oh-Uh....y-yeah sorry. I do that sometimes when I'm stressed" he explains, wiping another tear from his eyes.
You sigh and bite your lip, looking down at the ground.

"Well I'll be going now- I just wanted to apologize...I know that my comment really hurt you and...yeah" he mumbles, turning around and walking towards the door.

The next thing you do shocked him, and yourself.

You run up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind. He freezes and looks down at your hands, placing his on them.
"Y/n what are you-" he begins.

"I'm sorry for everything I said too" you plead.
He sighs and turns around, placing his hands on your shoulders. You look up at him and smile.

"You have nothing to be sorry about darling. It was my fault, I shouldn't have said those things about your family" he protests.

You giggle and nod.
"Yeah, that was pretty messed up" you tease. He smiles and gives you a small hug.
"Well, this has been fun but- I need to get back to Crabe and Goyle. They're probably wondering here I've run off to" he explains.
You nod and pull away.

"Well, see you later...y/n"

Pt 2 later

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