shaking in fear(Fred Weasley)

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Fred ran down the corridor trying to look for George. You followed close behind him, covering him from all the spells being thrown. Fred looks back before yelling and throwing a spell at the death eater. The girl falls to the ground dead. You gasp and continue to run. You look forward and can't find Fred. "FRED?" You yell, frantically looking into every classroom and every hallway. You were about to turn a corner when you hear yelling. "FRED!" You yell. You watch as your bestfriend tries to fight a deatheater. You run into the empty classroom, pulling your wand out of your robe pocket. "AVADA KADA-" you hit the deatheater with a spell. He flies through the wall. Fred falls to the ground crying. You quickly run over to him, pulling him into you. He sobs and shakes in fear as you rub your hands up and down his arms trying to comfort him, looking around making sure no deatheaters show up. Fred continues to shake and cry under you. "Fred, we need to go" you whisper. He shakes his head and continues to cry. "W-we can't" he chokes out. You squeeze his arms and pull him up. "Freddie look at me" you demand. He hesitates before looking up, his eyes were filled with fear. You grab his face gently with your hands. "Fred, we aren't safe here hun" you coo. "We need to go and find the others" He nods before standing up and grabbing your hand. You both begind to run out of the room, until something happened. There was an explosion. You flew back out of Fred's grip on your hand. You hit the wall with force powerful enough to break every rib you have. You try to sit up but everything hurts. You scream in pain before everything goes black.
You wake up in a cot in the room of requirements. You try to sit up, and to your surprise you can. Harry immediately notices you and runs over. He wraps his arms around you and hugs your tightly. "Oh merlin y/n, I thought I lost you" he proclaims. You shake your head and smile. That is, until you remember what happened. "Wh- where's Fred?" You ask, looking around the room. Harry's head hangs low as he places a hand on your thigh. "Uh- y/n he-" Harry sighs before George runs over to you. You quickly stand up and pull him into a hug. Tears stream down his face as he pulls away. "Y/n- it- it's Fred" he chokes out. You furrow your eyebrows before looking around the room. Your eyes land on a specific cot. Tears fall from your eyes before you fall to your knees. Harry and George both catch you before squeezing you in a hug. You scream no and continue to cry. "NO LET ME GO!" You scream. You break free from their grip before sprinting to Fred. You drop to your knees and hug him. "Fred please" you sob. Mrs. Weasley comes up to you and places a hand on your shoulder before pulling you into her. "He's gone my dear" You shake your head in disbelief and sob into her dress. George comes over and you shift into him. You both cry into eahcothers arms. "I'm so sorry Georgie" you sob. He freezes before squeezing your shoulder. "H-hey, y/n you look at me" he demands. You shake your head and continue to sob. He takes his finger and places it under your chin, bringing your face up to meet his. "Y/n y/l/n this was not your fault! And don't you ever let anyone make you think it was" he says. You simply nod before he pulls you in tighter.

Part 2 later

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