Warning/not an update

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The next imagine has a lot of triggering factors and scenes that may be hard to read for some viewers.

I just got back from my DR, and this experience was by far the most scary thing that has ever happened to me in DR.
Incase you were wondering, I had to use my safe word to get back to reality because I couldn't even handle what was happening.

I'm writing the imagine about my experience because I feel that it will be a good imagine.
I'm not going to say what characters are in it, because it will ruin it....but I promise I will include every single detail that I can remember.

Again, next update may be triggering to some viewers.

Okay. I'm going to start writing it now. I'm still shaking from fear lmao.

Just remember that this is what happens in MY dr, and will likely not happen to you:)
So don't worry! You're all safe.

Okay, ttyl

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