If i'm enough ~ pt 2

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You enter the common room, your hands shaking as George and Fred follow behind you.
You stop in the middle of the staircase, your breathing becoming rapid.
Fred places his hand on your back as George kneels down in front of you. He grabs your hands as you flinch and pull away.
"Hey hey hey...y/n calm down darling. I'm not gonna hurt you" he assures you, pulling you into a hug as Fred rubs your back.
You sob into George's chest, your knees collapsing beneath you as he picks you up and carries you to the common room.

He sets you down on the couch as him and Fred kneel down in front of you on the ground.
"Y/n....breathe love" Fred cooes, his hand resting on your knee.
"Breathe with us" George demands, grabbing your hands and taking a deep breath. Fred copies as he nudges your arm.
You look up at them, your eyes red and puffy as tears rolled down your cheeks.
They were both breathing calmly, waiting for you to mimick them.
You finally take the deepest breath you can, letting it out shakily.
The twins sigh in relief when your breathing becomes normal again.

"Y/n....I'm sure Harry didn't mean it-" Fred says.
You nod your head and stand up, the twins follow.
"Yeah I know, but- he wouldn't let go....he had a look of vengeance and anger in his eyes. It's like- it's like he was possessed by something" you explain.
The twins nod as they continue to listen.
"He's never done that before. All I wanted to do was help..." you mumble the last part.
"I know y/n. He's just upset right now" George says.
"About what?" You ask, looking up at them, tears forming in your eyes again.
Both of the twin's eyes soften as they shake their heads.
"I don't know" they say in unison.


It was about 5 pm. You had decided to skip classes for the rest of the day, along with the twins and Hermione. (She only skips classes for you)

You were all sitting in the common room, reading and playing games. You had almost completely forgotten about the events that had taken place at the beginning of the day...that is, until Harry and Ron walked through the door.
The twins immediately got up and came behind you and Hermione.
Harry glared at them before looking down at you.
He had the same look in his eyes that he did when he grabbed your wrist. Cold, icy, and anger filled.
Your mouth gaped open as he walked by.

"Harry-" Hermione began.
He whipped his head around and glared at her.
She took a few steps back as Ron grabbed her hand.

"I'm fine Hermione" Harry said bluntly before walking over to the couch and sitting down.
You uncomfortingly scoot over towards the edge as Harry smirks at you.
"Scared of me?" He asks sarcastically.

It felt like your heart had just shattered. This was not the sweet, loving, funny, and adventurous Harry Potter that you knew. This was a cold hearted, mean, and angry Harry, whom you didn't understand was being this way.

"Well y-yeah" you mumble.
Harry smiles before rolling his eyes.
"Good" he hisses.

Your eyes widen as you stand up, walking over to a different table.
"Harry...why are you being so mean to her?" Fred asks.
Harry shrugs his shoulders as George walks over to you, messing with your hair softly.
"You okay beautiful?" He asks, tilting your head up with his finger.
You smile and nod, kissing his hand softly.
"Good" he says.

Your attention was turned back towards Harry and Fred.
Harry was on his feet now as Fred towered over him.
"She did nothing to you, and you treated her like that...your bestfriend is scared of you!" Fred yells.
Harry's eyes become darker as he shoves Fred back.
George immediately stomps over to them as you follow close behind.

"What the hell Potter?!" Fred says, standing back up and walking towards Fred.

Harry makes a growling noise as you look down and see him pulling out his wand.
"HARRY NO!" you yell, sprinting towards him. But it was too late.

"CRUCIO!" Harry yells.
Fred let's out a ear-splitting scream as he drops to the floor.

Everyone freezes as George tackles Harry to the ground, ripping his wand out of his hand and throwing it across the room.
"GET OFF OF ME WEASLEY!" He yells, punching George.
George grabs his wrists and pins them to the ground.
"CHILL. OUT. HARRY!" He screams.

You drop to Fred's side, trying to comfort him and help him through the curse as Ron and Hermione ran to get help.
Luckily, Harry was dis-armed quickly, so the curse was only put on Fred for a second. But that didn't stop the after shocks.

You pull Fred's head into your lap as you softly run your fingers through his hair, letting him squeeze your hand as he fights off the curse.

"HARRY WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" You yell, looking up at him.
He looked completely normal again. George climbed off of him as he dropped to your side, trying to comfort his brother.

"I-I don't know I-" Harry begins, looking down at his hands.
"First y/n...now Fred...you've gone mad Potter!" George exclaims.

Harry stands up, stumbling backwards a bit.

"I-I'm sorry"

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