Study Buddies ~ Hermione Granger & Neville Longbottom

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"Y/n come onnnnn. You need to study if you want to pass this test!" Neville pleads as Hermione slams a book onto the table in front of you.

You groan and throw your head back as they both giggle.

"Bloody hell....this is too much homework! I think the professors are trying to kill us!" You plead as Hermione scoffs.

"Oh please....stop being so dramatic" she states as you giggle sarcastically.

"Stop fighting!" Neville yells as you both look at him.

His eyes widen as he quickly looks down out of fear and embarrassment.

You giggle and lean into him as he looks up.

"Ok me find the answer to number 4, will you?" You ask as he nods.

Hermione sighs before sitting next to you and pulling out her Herbology book as well.

"Blimey, y/n. This is so easy! How do you not know this?!" Neville asks frantically.
You scoff as Hermione giggles and shrugs.

"Don't just blame me for not knowing! Hermione doesn't know it either!" You plead as Neville groans.

"It's basic, herb-knowledge" he states as you frown and close your book.

"Well excuse me, Neville....I'm not completely obsessed with plants, and I happen to fancy the dark arts and fun things like charms and potions!" You hiss as he rolls his eyes.

"Hey! Herbology is fun too...." he mumbles the last part as you giggle and wrap your arm around his shoulder.

"I'm only joking, Neville!" You plead as he smiles.

"Would you two stop flirting so we can get on with this homework?!" Hermione pleads as Neville's cheeks flush red.

You giggle before pulling her book in front of you.

"What do you think you're doing?!" She asks as you roll your eyes.

"Oh relax you worry wart. I'm just looking for something" you explain as she scoffs.

"Whatever....don't mess up my book" she warns as you nod.

"Y'know. Studying with you two is like fighting with my siblings at home" you mumble as they both giggle.

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