no emotion(Tom riddle)

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It was your 17th birthday. You had already gotten birthday whises from all of your friends, even from some people you haven't even met before. You felt really good about that day. All of your friends had asked you where your boyfriend was. To be honest, you had no idea. Tom wasn't much on the idea of holidays and special days like today. So, you didn't really expect him to say or do anything for your birthday. In his eyes, birthdays were just the days that you get closer to dying(lmao).
You walked to the great hall to sit down for breakfast. When you got there, Tom was already there sitting with his slytherin friends at his table. He looked over at you and smiled before blowing a kiss. You giggled and pretended to catch it. You were sort of confused. He never acted like this. You shrugged your shoulders and sat down at your table. Everyone clapped when you sat down. You giggled. "You guys stop it's not that big of a deal" "not that big of a deal? Y/n you turned 17!" Fred Weasley said. You smiled at him. You felt two arms wrap around your waist. You looked up only to see Tom standing there with a teddy bear, balloons, and flowers. You jumped up and squealed before embracing him in a hug. He laughed, almost dropping all the stuff. Ron quickly caught it though. He kissed you softly. "Happy birthday beautiful" you smiled at him before placing a small but lingering kiss on his lips. Everyone ooed and awed. You giggled before pulling away. The confusion in your mind became stronger. "Why is he being so cheerful and nice" you thought to yourself. "Tom, can I talk to you for a second?" He nodded before walking out of the room with you. He looked back and smiled before looking at you. You looked him up and down without a smile on your face. "Tom, what's wrong?" He looked confused. "Y/n, what are you talking about?" "What's up with you?" His smile dropped. "What do you mean?" "The presents, the hugs from behind, the blowing me a kiss in front of everyone? What's the matter with you? Your never like this?" "Y/n- what are you talking about? I bought you those things because I wanted to make you feel special for your birthday" his voice was becoming a little louder. There was a little bit of annoyance hinted in there. You took a step back. "Can't I just buy my girlfriend whom I love very much the presents she deserves?" You close your eyes. "Yes Tom, but I just wanna know why you are doing this. You have never done this in the past years" "y/n, I don't always have to have a reason to be nice. I know I'm a dick half the time, but I do care believe it or not. I do love you, and I wanted to make sure that I wasn't just going to blow you off on your birthday!" He was almost yelling. You took another step back. "Tom I didn't mean it like that. It's just- you never buy me gifts and you never show PDA, I'm just wondering what is wrong and why this year my birthday is so different" he sighed before grabbing your hands. "I- I don't know y/n. I guess, I-I guess I just saw how everyone else was treating you on your birthday and how they were asking you if I had told you happy birthday yet, and when you said no, I heard the hint of sadness in your voice and I-" "Tom there was no sadness in my voice" "Yes there was y/n, I heard it. You were upset because your own boyfriend hadn't told you happy birthday before your friends did. And I'm sorry. I thought that if I bought you all these nice and cute things, and made you feel special in front of everyone, that you would forgive me" his voice was low now. No emotion what so ever. You sighed before hugging him. He leaned his head against yours. "Oh Tom, I'm so sorry for making you feel like you weren't in the right. I mean, I would like to atleast hear happy birthday from you, but, I understand that you don't do presents or anything like that. I'm not mad either. I love you for you, not the presents" you softly kiss his forehead. He smiles before grabbing your hands. "I love you" he cooes. "I love you too"

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