Bond Unbroken - Harry Potter one shot

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Y/n was cousins with the Weasley's. For as long as she could remember, she has lived with them ever since her parents were killed by Bellatrix when she was born. 
Ron had always been a little over protective of y/n, mainly because she was his age, and they have been together his whole life. When y/n told him that she had developed feelings for his best friend Harry Potter, he was furious. He was even more furious when he found out that the feelings were mutual between the two.

Y/n's feelings for Harry developed in their 5th year, when Harry was at the battle against Voldemort at the ministry of magic.
Ever since then, she had swore to him that she would not let anything happen to him as long as he was alive. He made the same promise. But sadly, he couldn't keep it.


It was time to search for the Horcruxes.
Everything was going well, until snatchers showed up in the middle of the night. They captured the 4 friends and took them to Voldemort.


Hermione and y/n were taken to the top floor where Voldemort and the bitch who killed her parents were stationed.
Ron and Harry were taken to the dungeons where they had to watch their two best friends get tortured by Bellatrix.

Y/n laid on the floor, screaming for someone to help her as Bellatrix carved into her skin with the wand. Ron screamed for her to stop, but it did nothing.
Harry drew his wand back, ready to fight for y/n's safety.

"Get back Ron" he said bluntly. Ron turned around as his eyes widened.

"BOMBARDA!" Harry yelled. The doors to the dungeon exploded and scattered everywhere. The guards were star struck.

The boys ran up the stairs to the room the girls were being held in.
They both burst through the doors, out of breath and tired.

Ron's eyes swell with tears as he sees his cousin laying on the floor, Bellatrix on top of her.

Hermione was crying as Narcissa held a knife to her neck.
Harry rose his wand at Bellatrix as Ron rose his at Narcissa.

"Let them go" Harry warned. Bellatrix laughed as she got up off of y/n.

Y/n's eyes were red and puffy as she clung to her arm.

"Drop your wand...or I kill her" Bellatrix warned, pointing her wand at y/n's neck.

Harry's breathing hitched as he swallowed hard. He was about to do it when he heard y/n's soft and gentle voice.

"N-no Harry!" She whimpered. Harry sighed and continued to bend towards the ground.
"Harry-" y/n whispered.

He dropped to the floor as the wand rolled out of his hands.

Bellatrix let out an evil cackle as she bent back over y/n.
"This is your punishment for breaking the dungeon door, Potter" she hissed.

She carved the word "mudblood" into y/n's arm as she screamed and cried in pain.
Harry's jaw clenched as he gripped onto his jeans, trying to restrain himself from attacking.
That is, until y/n yelled for him.

"H-Harry you promised-" she yelped. His eyes widened as he remembered the promise he made to her in their 5th year.

Bellatrix rolled her eyes as she continued to carve y/n's skin. Y/n closed her eyes as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Harry's skin was bright red as his fists clenched and he gritted his teeth.
"Let her to" he mumbled.

Bellatrix shot her head up to look at him.
"What was that boy?" She snipped.
Harry looked up, anger in his eyes.

"I SAID LET HER GO!" He yelled, grabbing his wand and pointing it at Bellatrix.
"CRUCIO!" The spell hit her in the side. Bellatrix fell to the ground, wincing and screaming in pain.
Voldemort apperated away as Hermione fell into Ron's arms.

Harry dropped to y/n's side, pulling her into him. She let out another cry as he grabbed her arm and conjured a healing spell, dragging his wand across the cuts.
"We've got to get you back to Hogwarts" Harry whispered, picking her up and walking over to Ron and Hermione.
Ron ran his hand across y/n's cheek as they apperated back to the castle.

2 days later

Y/n woke up in the hospital wing. Harry, Ron, and Hermione never left her side, which she was very grateful for.

She sat up as a hand traced across her shoulder. She looked up to see Ron. He smiled down at her as she hugged his waist.
Soon, Harry walked in with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
Ron cleared his throat as he grabbed Hermione's hand and walked out.

Now it was just y/n and Harry.
He sat the flowers down on her bed side table as she flung herself into his arms. He immediately hugged back, rubbing her back soothingly.

"Thank you for saving me" she mumbled into his jacket.

He chuckled and pulled her face up with his finger.
"Hey- it's what I promised you" he assured her.
She smiled up at him, looking into his eyes.
His smile soon faded as his eyes trailed down to her lips and back up. He began to lean in, and so did she.

Their lips connected softly as her hands ran through his soft, dark brown hair. One of his hands rested on her waist as the other one laid on the small of her back, pulling her closer and closer to him.
They finally pulled away, breathing heavily as Madam Pomfrey snickered from the other room.

"I-I" Y/n began.
"Sorry" she finally said, looking down with sadness written all over her face.

"For what?" Harry asked, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"I kissed you, not the other way around" he assured her.

"You know Harry, I never wanted to fall for you. I never wanted to get involved in your drama and troubles. But when you almost died at the ministry I- I don't know I guess I kind of made it my duty to keep you safe. Ever since then, you've always been on my mind" y/n explained.

Harry sat on the edge of her bed, listening to everything she had to say.

When she was done, all he could do was chuckle. She furrowed her eyebrows at him.
"What's so funny Potter?" She asked, nudging his shoulder.
"Oh nothing....just- you look so cute when your serious" he teases, nudging her back.
She scoffs and giggles, rolling her eyes and pulling him into a hug.

"I truly do love you y/n" Harry says softly.
She sighs and looks down at him.

"I love you too Potter"

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