Never Planned (Draco Malfoy)

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You were a nerd, to put it as nicely as possible. You loved to read, you loved to write, you made the grades that were outstanding, and you were the sweetest girl in the hufflepuff house. You didn't like to get hurt, and you hated getting in trouble- not that you ever did. Sadly, people in the slytherin house bullied you. To everyone's surprise, you didn't let it get to you like they hoped it would. It also surprised everyone that you're bestfriend, was no one other than the infamous Draco Malfoy. You lived with the Malfoys, you're parents had abandoned you as a kid. Narcissa was friends with your mother, so she and Lucius took you in. You and Draco were the same age. He was devastated when you were put into Hufflepuff. He wanted to be around you always. He had always known about the bullying, but you had always told him not to do anything about it- out of fear that it would make it worse. Of course, he respected your wishes.

Lately things at Malfoy Manor had been rough. Voldemort had finally made his appearance with Lucius. This meant that Lucius had became a deatheater. After many meetings and threats, Draco had became one himself. It broke your heart seeing your bestfriend under the influence of the evil being they called Voldemort. But you also knew that that was nothing you could do about it. So, you did the next best thing- you stuck with him and didn't let anything come in between your friendship.

It was Wednesday afternoon. Classes had just ended, and now you had piles of homework to get done for tomorrow.

You hadn't seen Draco all day. Even though you were in separate houses, you still saw each other in the halls, and you always went to his dorm after classes. When you couldn't pick out his platinum blonde hair in the hallways, you became a little worried.

You walked down the corridor on the way to the boys' dormitory.  You hugged your books to your chest, determined to check on Draco and probably help him with his homework like you always do.

"Ugh, filthy Mudblood" you hear the all too familiar voice of Pansy Parkinson bark out. You roll your eyes and sigh, turning around to face her. She had her usual possy with her, which consisted of Adrian and Blaise.

She bumped into your side, causing the books in your hands to fall to the ground with a thud. You flinch a bit, causing Pansy to giggle. "What a nerd, always carrying some sort of book with you" she snickers. You scoff and bend down, picking your books up off of the floor. "It's called homework Parkinson, maybe if you would actually pay attention instead of swooning over Draco- you would actually learn something" you hiss, smirking when she gasps. You feel yourself being forced back as you hit a wall with a thud. You groan and look up to see Blaise with his wand pointed at you.

Your eyes widen as you hear yelling, and see a familiar boy run up to the trio, grabbing Blaise by the shirt and pinning him up against the wall, punching him in the face. "Don't you ever hurt her again!" He yells, throwing Blaise to the ground. Blaise scrambles himself up off of the ground and runs down the hallway with Pansy and Adrian following behind him.

You sigh and lean back against the wall, gripping the back of your head. You hear footsteps before feeling a hand on your thigh. "Are you okay?" The soothing voice of Draco Malfoy rings through your ears. You close your eyes and nod your head slightly. He pulls out his wand, mumbling a few words before the end of the wand lights up. "Lean forward" he says, pulling your shoulder towards him gently. He examines the back of your head, huffing in frustration. "Assholes" he mumbles. You furrow your eyebrows and look up at him. "You've got a wound on the back of your head" he says, pointing to your head sarcastically. "Might be why you're so out of it" he teases. You giggle and punch his arm. He smiles and stands up, extending his arm out for you to grab his hand. You roll your eyes and take his hand in yours, pulling yourself up. When you stand up, dizziness swarms your vision as you feel light headed. You quickly shut your eyes, leaning into Draco. He looks down at you worriedly before pulling you into his chest. "Hey- you alright?" He asks, raising you chin up with his finger. You open your eyes, looking up at him. "Mhm" you hum in response. He furrows his eyebrows once more before wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you down the hallway with him to his dorm.

Hogwarts imagines And PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora