Veritaserum~Neville Longbottom

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You walked into the dining hall, determination settling on your mind. All of your friends smiled and giggled as you sat at (y/h table)

That's when your best friend Luna Lovegood comes up behind you, poking your side.
You jump and turn around to face her.
"So, did you do it?" She asks, setting in the seat next to you.
You sigh and shake your head.
"No, not yet" you say. She scoffs and nudges your side 
"Come on y/n! You said you were going to tell Neville before dinner!" She yells.
You quickly shove your hand over her mouth.
"Could you be any louder?!" You whisper/yell.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Neville and some other people looking at you.
Your eyes widen as you quickly turn around and start eating your food.


Dinner was almost over, and you still hadn't told Neville how you felt.

You have had a crush on Neville ever since 3rd year, when he grew you a plant and brought it to you when you were sick and in the infirmary. Of course, he didn't know that you liked him. Only a handful of people knew, and you wanted it to stay that way.


You were talking to Luna when you felt a presence behind you. Luna looked up and blushed as she pointed behind you.
You sigh and turn around to face the person.
You furrowed your eyebrows when there wasn't just a person, but two persons.

"What do you two want?" You ask, looking up at the twins.
They both smirk before Fred hands you a small vile with white liquid.

"What is this?" You ask them.
"A new potion Freddie and I have made. We were hoping that you would drink it and tell us how it works" George explains.
"You don't even know how your own potions work?" Luna asks, cocking an eyebrow.
You giggle and hand her the bottle so she can examine it.

"Oh come on y/n" Fred begins.
"Just drink it" George adds.

You sigh and grab the bottle out if Luna's hands. You pop the kork off and bring the vile to your lips.
Luna grabs your wrist and shrieks.
"You're not actually going to drink it are you?!" She beams, scanning your face.

You shrug your shoulders and smile.
"Oh come on Luna, it's probably just another aging potion that they made. Besides, they wouldn't do anything to hurt me....would you?" You ask, looking up at them.
They both shake their heads as you look back at her.
"Fine...but don't come crying to me when your hair is blue for a month!" She yells, getting up and walking back over to her table.

You shake your head and look back up at the twins.
"Okay y/n, go for it!" George says.

You nod and down the potion in one gulp.
You freeze and look around the room, trying to find any affects from the liquid.

"So? Feel anything?" Fred asks.

You shake your head and hand them the vile.
"Nope, guess this was just another dud" you explain.
The twins sigh as George sticks the vile into his pocket.

"You're sure you don't feel anything?" Fred asks.

You roll your eyes and turn around to face Seamus and Harry.

"I feel like Finnigan and Potter should stop making goo goo eyes at eachother and grossing out the whole hall!" You exclaim.
Your eyes widen at what you just said. You quickly cover your mouth as the twins snicker.

"I'm never that means what did you two do to me?!" You yell.

They both laugh and start to walk away.
"Veritaserum!" George yells.
"Works every time!" Fred adds.

You grit your teeth as you follow after the twins, your hands clenching into fists.
Just as you were about to reach them, you feel someone grab your wrist.

You freeze and turn around, gulping at the sight of your crush standing over you.

"Y/n...are you okay?" Neville asks, letting go of your arm.
"Uh-I-" you begin, looking back over at the twins. They both giggle and snicker at eachother.

"Y/n?" Neville says.
You turn back to look at him.
"I-I.....Hi Neville" you mumble.

He chuckles, "hi y/n" he exclaims.
"Are you alright? You look rather pale" he says, brushing his hand over your cheek.
Your breathing hitches as you gently pull away.

"Neville I- I've got to go" you say, brushing past him.
"Wait y/n!" He yells, jogging after you.

You try to walk faster, not wanting to make a scene in front if everybody.

"Y/n stop!" Neville yells, finally catching up to you.
Your eyes widen as he stands in front of you, leaning against the door frame.

"Y/n....what's wrong?" He asks.

You look around the room, your cheeks heating up as you bite your lip.
"Well?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Neville I-" you begin.
You can feel the word vomit rising in your throat.

"Great, here comes the truth..." you think to yourself.

You look into his eyes. Your heart melts at the sight of them.
You let out a sigh before taking a step back.

"I like you Neville. I have since 3rd year-" you begin.
His expression drops as you continue to ramble on and on about your feelings.

"And I know you don't like me back but- I've always wanted to do one thing" you explain.
His eyes widen as you pull him into a kiss.
Everyone in the hall gasps, including the teachers.

Neville quickly pulls away, looking down at you.

"Sorry" you mumble.
You feel a hand rest on your shoulder. You look up to see Neville smiling at you.
"I like you too" he assures you.

You smile as he pulls you back into a kiss.
Everyone cheers and yells as you continue to kiss your crush.

You look back at the twins and smile"
"Thanks guys"

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