Quick question

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Hey! So I have a question.

If I made 2 more imagine and preference books, one about just the Weasley twins, and the other one about the golden trio (Ron, Harry, and Hermione)...would you guys read it?

Some people have dm'ed me and told me that they felt like I was putting the twins in this book a little too much more than everyone else, so I was thinking of making a imagine book just about the twins so I'm not tempted to always put them in here.

The golden trio one would of course, only be about the characters in the golden trio, which if you don't know is Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger.

Let me know if you guys would read them, because I'm low-key excited about writing them lol.

Okay, the rest of the series about the characters at Christmas will be up later. All I have left is the girls to do.

Something fun to add: I read the first book of Harry Potter in one night, and it was last night lmao. So yeah, that was fun.

Okay okay I'm done- bye babes🤩

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