not an update

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Sooooo I don't feel like sleeping tn so expect a lot of imagines tn. If they are sloppy its only cuz I'm dying of sleep deprivation so I'll edit them either tomorrow of something lmao. Uhhhhh sooooo I've been in the mood to really do some requests so like you guys should comment some requests and I will do them! Again I would need your:
Gender you prefer
Hair color
Eye color
Who you want
And what about

I have decided that I will put smut in some requests if you want it, but not very detailed smut cuz again, I get uncomfortable writing about it that's why there's only like 2/53 imagines that have smut in them lmao. Sooo if you've made it this far then you know that I am literally jacked up on caffeine rn soooo yeah when I get home, expect lots of update. Sooo yeah that's all for now y'all, bye babes🤩

Hogwarts imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now