Battle of Hogwarts(re-written) PT 2

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Your mouth gapes open as you take a few steps away from Harry. "Y/n I- I'm so sorry I didn't tell you I-" he takes a step forward, you shake your head and take another step back. 

"so, so when you came to get me in the room of requirements, when I asked you where the twins were- You, you lied to me?" you ask, tears threaten to spill from your eyes. Harry nods slightly, looking down. "So when YOU TOLD ME that they were fine- th-they really weren't fine?" you ask again. Harry nods. He places his hand on your shoulder, you quickly slap it away. "SO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME< THAT WHILE I WAS OUT HERE SAVING YOUR ASS- MY BEST FRIEND WAS IN HERE WITH HIS DEAD BROTHER, WHO WAS ALSO MY BEST FRIEND, YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT GEORGE WAS IN HERE ALL ALONE?!" you scream at him. He sighs and nods. "Your the only one that knew how to do that spell like I could y/n- I had to" he pleads. You shake your head, taking a step back. "Don't talk to me, ever again Potter" you hiss, turning around. "Y/n come on- I'm your brother!" he yells. You whip your head around, "Brother's don't lie to their siblings about something so terrible. Harry I needed to be there for George. He Probably hates me now! He probably thinks I left him for dead!" You yell, pushing Harry back. He shakes his head, "I told him why you left y/n, he's not mad at you!" he protests. "WELL I"M MAD AT YOU!" you yell, tears stream down your face as you shove past him, running to the great hall. 


"G-George" you croak out, walking into the room, looking around at all the lifeless bodies. You look up when you hear a quiet sob. "y/n" George mumbles, pulling you into a hug. He lets out a sob as you squeeze him tighter. You softly pull away, grabbing his hands. "where is he?" You ask, looking at George. He sighs, leading you over to all the Weasley's hovering around a cot. Ron was on the ground, clinging to Fred as Molly stroked his hair comfortingly. They all look up at you. Molly pulls you into a hug as you cry into her dress. "Don't cry dear", she says, rubbing your back. You drop to your knees, running your hand over Fred's face. "I'm so sorry" you whisper, hugging his body. You feel a hand on top of yours. You look up to see George with tears running down his face. You pull him into a hug, wiping away his tears. "I'm so sorry" you whisper. 

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