Annabelle ~ Weasley Twins

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Okay so I shifted last night because I had promised the twins that we could watch a movie the next time I did. Well we watched a movie and I let them pick the movie.
They picked the horror movie Annabelle.
And this is how it went💀

You woke up in your bed, Hermione was shaking you.
"Y/n wake up, you're here!" She beams.
Your eyes flutter open as you smile.
"Hey Mione" you mumble, sitting up and hugging her.
That's when there was a small knock at the door.
"Come in" Hermione says.
Through the crack in the door peaks two red headed twins.
You smile as they run into the room, engulfing you in a hug.
George places a soft kiss to your forehead as Fred smiles at you.

"Ready for our movie date y/n?" Fred asks. You nod as they help you sit up.


You grab a blanket from the closet as the twins walk into the room with snacks and popcorn.
"What movie are we watching guys?" You ask them.
They both look at each other and smirk.
"Annabella" they say in unison as George holds up the case.
Your eyes widen as you shake your head.
" guys, the last time we watched a movie like this you wouldn't stop screaming into my ears!" You plead.
"Oh come on y/n!" George says.
""We promise we won't scream!" Fred assures you.
You look at them with annoyance as you think to yourself.
"Ugh...fine!" You hiss.
"Yesss!" They cheer in unison.


"AH!" Fred screams at the jump scare.

You flinch and look up at him.
"Really?" You ask, cocking an eyebrow.
His eyes soften as guilt drapes across his face.
"Sorry" he mumbles. That's when another scream erupts through the room.
"HOLY SHIT!" George yells.
You whip your head around and punch him in the side.
"You too?!" You yell.

Both of the twins giggle and snuggle closer to you.
"It's scary!" Fred pleads.
You shake your head and scoff.
" two are just big babies"

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