Someone hits you(everybody)

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This is how the characters (I think) would react if someone hits you and they find out about it.

Harry- "They did WHAT?"
-literally STORMS out if the room
-makes you point them out
-hexes the shit outta them

Ron- "I'll kill em"
-comforts you
-"don't you ever touch them again"
-punches the person

Draco- "my father will hear about this"
-punches the person
-hexes them
-tells Lucius to have them expelled

Neville- "R-Really?"
-is shocked that someone actually had the balls to do that.
-comforts you
-hella shy

Cedric- "oh hell no"
-tell that person to run
-haunts them

Tom- "Where are they?"
-Avada Kedavras them

Oliver- "they're on the quidditch team?!"
-knocks them off of their broom
-kicks them

Fred- "absolutley not"
-literally takes 3 people to pull him off dat bish
-gurl be expecting some bear hugs
-doesn't leave your side

George- "I'll prank the shit outta them"
-literally pranks them until they leave the school.
-doesn't listen when you tell him to not do anything.
-"you are all I care about right now"

Hermione- "I-I'll have them taken care of at once!"
-cutie patootie🥺
-won't leave until you yell her to
-skips classes to be with you

Ginny- "I'll beat their ass"
-beats their ass
-almost kills them😶
-has to call Molly to tell her she's being suspended.
-Molly is proud of Ginny when she tells her why she's being suspended.

Luna- "that's not nice!"
-has a long "talk" with the person
-"I didn't do anything! I only told them that if they touched you ever again....I would uhhh string them by their ears until they fell off..."

No teachers in this one SORRY!

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