Your my soulmate ~ Fred Weasley

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Requested by: MrsWeasleyHargreeves

You walked down the corridor, towards the great hall.
Your earbuds hung from your ears as your favorite song blasted from your muggle phone.

I got my driver's license last week, just like we always talked about.
'Cause you were so excited for me
To finally drive up to your house.

You softly sang along to the lyrics, swaying back and forth as the words put you in a calming state.

That's when you saw the two ginger twins walking down the hallway. Fred had a worried look on his face as George was laughing at him.

"I'm telling you Georgie...I'm losing my mind!" He yells.
You furrow your eyebrows before walking up to them.
"Look...Sedona's here. She'll probably know what's wrong with you" George says, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards Fred.
The threatening smell of cinnamon and honey filled your lungs as you took a deep breath.

"Something wrong Fred?" You ask, cocking an eyebrow.
"Yes! I'm losing my absolute marbles!" He exclaims.
You giggle and shake your head.
"Well what's the problem?" You ask.

He sighs before looking around the hallways to make sure no one else was around.
Your music still played softly in your ears.
And I just can't imagine
How you could be so okay
Now that I'm gone

"I-it's like theres a constant voice in my head. Like- like a song!" He explains.
You furrow your eyebrows at him and giggle. George joins you.
"It's not funny you two! This is serious, what if something is actually wrong with me?!" He asks frantically. You could hear the worried tone in his voice as professor Mcgonagall walks past.
"Oi professor! Can you come here for a moment?" George calls to her.
She rolls her eyes before walking over to you guys.
"What is it Mr. Weasley?" She asks.
"Well y'see...Freddie here has a problem. He has this voice in his head, he said it's like-" George begins.
"It's like singing, professor" Fred cuts him off.
"And it goes on all the time, and there's nothing I can do to make it stop" he whines.
Mcgonagall smiles before patting him on the shoulder.
"Well congratulations Mr. Weasley!" She beams.
We all furrow our eyebrows and look at her.
"Come again?" George asks.

"You should be thrilled. This isn't because you're going mad Fred, this is your connection with your soulmate!" She exclaims.
Fred's jaw drops.
"M-my soulmate?! I thought that was a myth!" He yells.
"Oh no Fred, it's just as real as you and me" he says.

"Well, how do I get it to stop? This song is rather soulmate plays it all the bloody time!" He complains some more.

Mcgonagall scoffs before beginning to walk away.
"Only once you and your soulmate sing the last lyric of the song together, is when the music will stop. Good luck Mr. Weasley, I'll see you in class tomorrow" she says, turning the corner to the corridor.

In the common room

"How does one even find their soulmate?" George asks, fiddling with his pencil.
"I don't know, but it's pretty cool to know that someone actually loves this git" you tease, nudging Fred's side.

He was just staring at the ceiling.
"Uhhhh Freddie?" You ask, poking his arm.
"Hmm?" He asks, looking up at you.
"You okay champ?" You ask.
He smiles and nods before sitting up.

"Oh yeah I'm fine. Better than fine actually. I'm great! I have a soulmate! Gosh I wonder who it is... I hope it's that hot chick from Hufflepuff" he jokes as George high fives him.

"Oh please. Knowing your luck, you'll probably have some 5th year from Skytherin" you tease.

"So my brother might be falling for younger girls....that's hot bro" George says, gripping Fred's shoulder.
Fred gags and pulls away from George.
"Oh shut it Sedona. You're just mad because you don't have your song yet" he pleads.
You shake your head and giggle.

"Girls don't have the songs in their heads, their just the ones that play them" you explain.
"That's so not fair!" Fred protests.

You giggle before sticking your earbuds back into your ears and turning on your favorite song once again.

And I know we weren't
Perfect but I've never felt
This way for no one
And I just can't imagine
How you could be so okay
Now that I'm gone

"There it is again! I can hear it. It's a bloody awful song" Fred jolts up out of his seat.
"Well, what's the lyrics to the song? You've got to know some of them, seeing as you've listened to it a million times" George says.

"Yeah yeah. Ok hold on" Fred says.

You shook your head and turned your music up louder, trying to drown out the twins loud voices.

I guess you didn't mean
What you wrote in that
Song about me

You hum along to the music, swaying your head back and forth.

"Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street" Fred sings.

You couldn't even hear him. You were too deep in your own thoughts and the music.
You didn't even notice George looking at the both of you.
He was listening to your humming and the beat of Fred's singing.
Once he put two and two together, his eyes widened.

He quickly got up and grabbed your wire, wripping and earbud out of your ear, leaving one in.
"Hey!" You yell
"Shh!" He demands, pointing towards Fred.

"Red lights, stop signs, I still see your face in the white cars, front yards" Fred sings.
Your eyes widen as you look at the lyrics on your phone.
They were the exact same as to what Fred was singing.

"You're his soulmate" George whispers into your ear.
"M-maybe it's just a coincidence" you plead.
"Nuh-uh... watch this" he says, grabbing your phone and pressing pause.
Fred immediately stops singing and looks at you both.
"I know, it's a horrible song. I hate it. But if it leads me to my soulmate, I guess I'll just have to learn to like it"

Pt 2 later

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