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Kalani's POV
I was so pissed and I was so angry at Montero. He killed him. After I had asked him not too, he went on to kill him.

How could I trust him after that? How could I place my trust in him to be a father that will take care of my babies if anything were to happen to me? Could he be able to shoulder that responsibility or would he turn my kids into mercenaries?

I just couldn't stay here. I had to go. With puffy red eyes, a running nose, a bloody face, a paining and bruised body, I think I had enough of this place as a whole. I needed to get out of here. I started to push the wheel chair and then I heard a voice. Avry familiar voice. I didn't realize I wanted to hear for so long. I didn't realize I wanted to touch that face, even if it was just once more before I died, maybe even get a hug.


He came.

My daddy has come to take me home. I smiled afraid that if I called him out, he would disappear just like how he has been disappearing in my dreams. He spoke coherently with Montero but I couldn't hear a thing.

I think it's because I had blocked out any source of sound that could come closer to me and I just looked at my dad. Really looked at him. He still looked the same. He still had black messy hair, his eyes were still black, his face still daddy like, but with alot of dirt.

But that was also ok. He was still dad. My dad. And he had come for me. He hands were still the same and-wait, why was he holding he shoulder like that?

I tilted my head to see more accurately and when I saw blood, I knew that he was hurt. My dad was hurt because he was trying to find me.

Dad?” I whispered. Reaching out hand to him. He stopped talking to Montero, pushed him aside, and he walked closer to me. In very coordinated soft steps. It was like every step that he took, he was afraid I would somewhat vanish into thin air.

The moment he got to me, he knelt down, took my one hand into his, and cupped my left cheek into his palm on the other, disregarding his injury.

“Is that you Lani?” he asked in disbelief. I smiled with tears in my, frantically nodding.
He quickly did a scan of how bad I was hurt and he asked, “Did they hurt you, abuse you, or try to take advantage of you? Where are you hurt? Are your babies ok? Are you ok?”

He just kept going on with the questions and for the first time I realized, that this was true. All of it was true. My dad came for me and out of all the tears that I ever spilled in this place, these were going to be the last ones yet.

And I exploded.

All the tears that I had ever kept, and all the pain that I had to endure, and mostly the thoughts I had that I was going to die here, and nobody would ever find me, all of that just came back and I cried.

I cried until I had hiccups. And my dad kept telling me that I was safe, and ok, and there was nothing that was going to happen to me while he was there. And I believed it with all that was breathing in me.

I trusted Montero yes, and when I saw him, there was a warm fuzzy feeling that I had, but it didn't compare to my dad. My dad felt like home. He felt like Kolini, Brian, Luke and mom where here all hugging me, telling me that I was going to be ok. And nothing compared to the feeling.

“Please daddy, just take me home.” I finally spoke. He nodded his head, and he picked me up bridal style. I hang my arms around his neck and I covered my face with his broad chest and I smiled when I realized his still had a faint smell of his favorite cologne, old spice.

“Where you think you going sweetheart?” a voice startled us. I raised my head to see who it was and it was a lady, well a redhead, with a man with fairly good features. When I squinted my eyes to take a closer look at him, I realised that he look like Montero. He looked very much like Montero, and I swore that they were brothers. The only difference they had was the hair colour. Well Montero's was brownish, his was jet black.

“And who are you?” I asked. Before he could even find his sentence, i heard a loud bang and I closed my eyes.

Please don't tell me Montero killed this man. I chanted. When I opened my eyes, he was on the floor and the redhead just looked at Montero speechless, with only tears falling down her eyes. I could see she was breathing through her mouth, and suddenly she just fell as if defeated.

I looked at Montero who now was pointing his gun at her. I immediately jumped out my dad's arms, and I rushed to stand in front of her.

There was no way Montero was going to kill her too.

“Whatever bullet that has to go to her passes through me.” i spoke confidently

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