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Kalani's POV

Before I could say anything, my dad launched for him.

Dad no!” I yelled.

But I was too late. Montero had already received a punch on his right cheek.

“You...” he snarled. Montero just rubbed his jaw and shook his head.

“We can't possibly always be meeting up like this. You know, you always trying to kill me.” he joked.

“Yea well, it's not like I hear anything good about you before I meet you.” He spoke between his teeth. My dad was mad. In fact, that doesn't suffice to what he looked at the moment, he was fuming.

“You throw in a mean punch for an old man. I'm proud of you.” Montero smirked.

Oh goodness, was he seeking for a death penalty?

You, you raped her. You raped my daughter.” Montero's face went from all smiley to stoic, angry plus betrayal.

He looked at me and said, “Jacobson get out!” He spoke with a very straight face.

“I'm not leaving you with my daughter.” My dad stood his ground, puffing his chest up. Montero took a gun out of nowhere, pointed it at his face, while still looking at me, and I swear, that was the most intimidating, scariest thing I have ever seen in my life.

Montero looked very angry and I hoped my dad would not leave me with him. He then smiled, looked at my dad and said, “Don't worry, I'll look her. After all, it was me who found her.”

He then turned his face back at me with his stoic angry demeanor mode on. I swallowed hard.

“I'll be outside cupcakes.” My dad finally gave in.

Goodness no dad, stand your ground. This man is gonna kill me.

I was internally pleading. My dad just turned around and left. Montero put his gun away, locked the door behind him, turned around, smiled at me and he came closer.

Please don't kill me.

I kept muttering under my breath. This possibly can't be my last day alive. I haven't even been to Paris.

Montero's POV

Kalani was scared of me. My Kalani was scared of me. And that was the last thing I wanted her to feel when she saw me. I could deal with anything, but when I was in front of her, nothing seemed to work right.

All my instincts always shouted to protect her, but I have been doing a very bad job it.

“I promise I won't hurt you.” I whispered, as I took slower steps to her with my hands in the air.

She slowly started to remove the hospital sheets that she had over her face, and she left her face halfway covered. Her hair looked unkempt, her eyes alittle puffy, but she seem ok.

“I'm not gonna hurt you.” I repeated, pulling a chair closer to her bed so I could seat down. But before I sat, I looked at her and asked, “May I have a seat please?” she nodded her head slowly.

“Thank you. Now,” I pulled my chair so I closely look at her, “All I want to do is ask you a few questions. Is that ok with you?” she nodded again.

“Words, I need words babe. Is it ok with you?” I spoke as softly as I could. You would swear I was walking on thin ice.

Out of nowhere, she sat up right, pulled her cover down, exposing her cute belly and she said, “Well, I'm not your babe. Get your facts right.”


She feisty. I was taken aback. One minute she was all cute and cuddled up, the next, a whole woman ready to murder me even.

“Yes ma'am.” I smirked, sitting back to get more comfortable.

I like her. I thought to myself

“Why you smirking?” she asked.

“Oh it's nothing.” I pulled myself together and I started to ask the questions, “What did you tell Jacobson?”

“You mean dad?” she pointed outside.

“Yes, as you state it, dad. What did you tell him?” I looked at her intensively.

“The truth.” she bluntly responded.

“Yea, and what is the truth?” I closely examed her, expecting the worst.

“That you didn't rape me.” she looked away. “That in true honesty, I was drugged and you have been nothing but good support. Although you vowed to take my babies away from me,” I suddenly stopped her from continuing that sentence, by taking her soft hands into mine.

She immediately turned around and looked at me shocked.

“I'm sorry.” I looked down. Never have I ever apologized to anyone. Even if I was wrong, I just couldn't. But in front of this woman, it came out so natural. And I didn't know why.

“I'm sorry that I actually said that, and you landed in a coma because of me. When you went missing,” I looked up at her truthfully, “I felt like I was losing my mind. And for the first time, it felt like I didn't belong to myself. Everything I did, I did because I was trying to find you.” I then left go of her hand, and stood up and went to the window.

“It somehow made me a monster. The one thing I was trying not to be. But I had to find you,” I looked back at her. “Do you understand?” she nodded.

“So am sorry for all you had to go through because of me ok?” I came close to her again.

“I'm so sorry.” I whispered. Then the unexpected happened, she took my face into her cheeks, and slightly rubbed it and smiled.

“Thank you.” she uttered in the most angelic voice I have ever heard. “Thank you for coming for us.” she took my other hand and put it on her belly, and I felt something move.

I looked at her shocked, and she at me the same way.

“That's the first time they have ever kicked.” she whispered with tears in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away and smiled at her.

“They seem strong.” I spoke in a soft voice trying not to disturb them.

“They are. They doctors said they all healthy babies.” she continued using my hand to rub her belly. “They strong because they have courageous father.” she smiled.

“They will probably have a good heart like their mother though.” I looked at her.

“And maybe have resilience just like their dad.” she looked at me.

“And if one of them be a girl, she would be as beautiful as you.” I added.

“And if they be boys, they would be handsome as you are Mr Montero.” she whispered.

Screw this...

“Marry me Kalani.” I uttered.

Well, he popped the question.

Y'all better be proud of me. Like please tell me y'all proud of your lovely author. She just keeps updating like she doesn't have to study for a 4 hour paper on Friday.

Anyways, I love y'all❤️❤️💞💞

And I have never said it directly, but here I am, I love y'all. Every single one of y'all ❤️❤️💞💞

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