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Roman's POV
She's awake sir.” I don't think the nurse had to tell me twice to convince me to go to the hospital.

“Mamma, I have to go to the hospital. I will be back in a few hours. We'll continue this later.” As I was taking my keys and heading towards the door, I heard my mother respond.

“Like the hell you are. What is going on? You know what, I don't care, I'm coming with you.” she took her bag and started walking towards me.

“No mamma you not.” I stopped her. She cannot see Kalani before me. She will ruin everything.

“I don't think you hearing me boy. I wasn't asking you, nor was I enquiring about it. I am going with you. And you not gonna stop me. Is that clear?” Her voice was firm and her standing unbothered. This woman was gonna go and there was nothing I could do to change that.

I looked at her one more time and I just sighed defeated. I knew I had already lost this battle, so agreed reluctantly.

“Si, mamma.” We heading out.

Kalani's POV
After the nurses saw I was awake, the one called Maria (I saw her badge) checked my vitals, and every other thing under the sun to see if me and my babies were ok.

The one named Anna rushed out when she saw me. I swear, it's like she saw a ghost or something.

She came back and said, “He's coming.”

Wonder who she is talking about. Maybe it's my assigned doctor. I hope he's handsome so, I'll have something to talk about when Eva gets here.

Roman's POV
“Start talking.” My mother started, while I was driving to the hospital.

“Mamma I'm not in the mood.” I replied truthfully. I'm really not in the mood for my mother with her makes believe stories of what might have happened between us. Especially if I don't know what that Kalani girl would want to shut up.

“Oh, you not in the mood. Well let me tell you something boy, I'm also not in the mood. So you better stop testing my patience. It's getting really thin Dominic. So I suggest you start talking. Or so help me God.” She reprimanded me.

“Fine,” I said. Might as well tell her half the story. “Her name is Kalani Jacobson, and I met her going to a meeting at the Phoenix.”

“Oh goodness, you telling me your baby mama is a drunk??” She asked in disgust. You could even see it in her face.

“No mamma. She doesn't drink. She was just pressured by her best friend to go out. She's just a college girl who does nothing but her school work and attend her lectures.” I may not necessarily like her, but that doesn't mean I let my mom degrade her. She is the mother of my kids after all.

“Oh my God Romano, you impregnated a child.” you could clearly see my mom was shocked at this.

“No mamma, Kalani is of age.” I told her, trying to convince her.

“Really, and what's your definition of  'of age' ?” she asked.

“She's 21 mamma.” I replied. My mom covered her mouth to try cover her shock.

“Goodness Romano, she's just a baby. Can her body even carry so many children??” she asked.

“Oh please mamma, you had your first child at 18, and your carried us just fine. She's gonna be fine. No need to worry about her. She has the best medical team around her. The babies are safe.” I tried assuring her. And as much I didn't know the girl carrying my children, I knew she would get all the medical treatment she would need to safely get those babies into this world. I owed her that much.

“Look at you,’ she smiled.“You already taking good care of your babies and they not even born yet. You gonna be a good father Romano.”


Can't we get to this hospital already?

Evelyn's POV
“Dad I'm going to visit Kalani.” I informed my dad, while taking my car keys and heading towards the door.

“At this hour you not.” He answered.

“Dad, it's still half seven, and plus too, since you not gonna help me save her babies, might as while visit those kids while they still have a mother.” I rudely retorted.

“Now you just being unfair. You can't really just put this all on me now.” He let out.

I just left. I know I'm wrong and I shouldn't have said that to my dad but he has to understand that when someone loses their kids, they lose more than what they could ever get back. And he has to understand that, feel that, and maybe than can he have a beating heart to make all of this stop.

Before I closed the door, I turned around and looked at my dad. Really looked at him and I saw how lucky I was to have a home and both my parents with me, loving me and in a marriage that wasn't forced and I wasn't a force of someone's selfishness, tears began to swell up when I thought of Kalani and how she would never have that chance.

“What if you lost me dad?” I suddenly asked. “You lost me to someone selfish and someone you didn't trust? What if, they abused me and attacked me, day in day out, without a second thought I would live to see that next day?” I looked away for a second so my voice wouldn't crack up and choke me with the tears that had swelled up.

Evelyn Penelope Summers stop!” He yelled at me.

“What if, no matter what, you just couldn't save me because you didn't have that kind of money or the kind of life that could save me?” I continued.

“I said stop!” he yelled. “You know I would do everything in my power to get you back. Even if it meant dying. For you and your mother, I would do it in a heartbeat.” He said in a more softer voice.

“That's exactly what it feels like dad.” I stopped, then I looked down. When I rose my head, tears didn't even threaten to come out anymore. I was a pool of living water.

“If it really hurts if you were to lose me, that's exactly what I think of everytime I look at that girl in that hospital fighting for her life, while having to fight for her damn babies too. I think maybe she will be able to survive this, but then I think of how easily she just landed in a coma and I think of how she lost her virginity and how that all just made her world stop." Tears started falling.

"I think of who would love those babies and care for them as much as Kalani would and I can't.” I mumbled the last part.

“I can't dad because nobody can ever replace her. Nobody can be their mother but her. She is deserving of at least that in her messed up life. A life I so messed up.”

“And you are depriving her of that.” I continued, weeping my tears. “You literally the only one to make this all stop, but you not giving her a chance to have a little sanity in her crazy life. I'm begging you dad, I whispered, “Save my best friend.”

He just turned around and started walking back.

“Don't you care dad,” He stopped and I moved closer to him. “Don't you care about my people and who I hold dear to my heart, don't you care about me? Dad I-”

His in the underground world too.” dad interrupted me. “Roman, he is in the mafia.”

“His full name is Romano Dominic Montero, he continued. “The Don of the Montero mafia of Italy. He is the king of the Montero mafia. And you disrespect the king, you die.”

Roman Montero and herWhere stories live. Discover now