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Roman's POV
“Why Dom?” Reiley asked as she slowly stood up, going towards me. “Why?!” she yelled pushing me. I stumbled back and I replied,

“Because she disrespected my queen.” I then turned around, and walked away.

But she was pregnant.” she whispered and I stopped walking. “And your queen is also pregnant, with triplets. Doesn't that mean anything to you, bother you a bit? What if you'd do that to her?” she said in a more calm voice. I turned around and looked at her, then at Alexia, than I replied, “No, I wouldn't. Stop!” I shook my head.

She came closer and continued, “You don't know that. If you could-” pushing away her thoughts.

“I said stop!” I said abit louder, she got startled and she stopped. “The moment she disrespected Kalani, she was already dead. Killing her baby was on her account because I didn't know she was with child. I didn't have anything to do with it.” I turned away and walked out.

Liam's POV
“No matter what, stay away from Romano, I don't like him nor do I trust him. The last thing I would want is for him to snatch you away from me.” I informed Maria in a serious voice. We were on our way to the 'so called family' dinner and I really wasn't in the mood to deal with my neither dad nor my brother. The least Maria could do was behave. After all, it was the first time she was going to have dinner with my family after we got married.

“Oh come on babe,” she smiled playing with my hand. “You know that's impossible. My eyes are only on you.” she continued.

“And I'm sure that's exactly what Dom said before I snatched you away from him.” she then just let go of my hand in anger and turned to face the window. Leaving me alone in my thoughts of what this night would become.

Roman's POV
When I got upstairs, I took a shower and informed our staff of the upcoming dinner that was to take place. And since this place was under really good maintenance, all they really had to do was cook.

My thoughts kept going back to Alexia, and what Reiley had said. What if I could do that Kalani? What if I could hurt my babies and not care? What if I could hurt her? I mean, I'm doing all of this for her but what if at the end I actually hurt her? I make her cry all over again? Would be it worth it then? Would it matter that I cared?

As these thoughts consumed me, there was a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“It's me.” replied Reiley.

“Wait for a few minutes, I'll be out.” I then rushed and took out the first thing that came into view which was a joggers pants and a v-neck long sleeve shirt. Most of clothes were grey and black and today I just chose all black just in case I'd have to shoot someone.

I wouldn't want my clothes with blood. Especially if it was a cloth that had a brighter colour. Then I would have to burn it. But having a black one just saves alot of problems and troubles.

I then took my gun and put it on the gun hoase and I strepped it on my wrist. Then I was good to go. I met my sister outside and when I tried to take her hand so we could head to that damn dinner, she pushed me back inside my room and closed the door.

While still startled by what just happened, she said, “you gonna tell me what's wrong with Mom and Johnathan before we go to that damn dinner.” she said coming closer while still pointing at me like I'm being accused of murder.

Well you just murdered some so...

“The last place I want to hear it from, is them.” she gritted her teeth pointing outside, assuming she was talking about dad and Liam.

I took a deep breath in because I knew, after this, she was going to leave my room in tears. Reiley has always had a crush on Johnathan. And even if she has never told me, I knew. She was my sister after all. And I'm rather a very observant person. A trait I don't particularly like at times.

So knowing this situation, it was better to start with Johnathan knowing that whatever happens, he won't die soon.

“Johnathan has lost half of his memories Rei.” she just backed away from me until her hands where touching the door. Tears immediately filled her eyes and they didn't need to told twice to start falling.

What, how?” she whispered. Instead of going to support her, I just turned and looked outside, with my tears threatening to fall.

“The car accident.” I tried explaining looking up towards the ceiling, with hands in my pocket. “He remembers only the good things in his life and the other half he thinks is a fantasy. He thinks that uhm-” I turned to look at her, trying to find a better way to explain to her as I started pacing around slowly.

“He thinks what?” her eyes where filled of anxiety yet a sense of curiosity of what I might say. A bit of hope also lingered. Her thinking she might be his girl or something. And I knew, telling her what he really thought would break her heart even more. So I braced myself for how she was going to react.

“And he thinks Juliana is his wife.” I answered turning away.

What?” her 'what' was choked up in tears and and she tried to stop her sobs by covering her mouth with her hands. Well more like, she didn't want others to know she was whaling. I just stood there, willing myself to just breath. She just slowly slipped her back on the door so to sit down. I don't know whether she was trying to process or her brain just shut down as a whole.

And in that state, she still asked, “And mom, how is Mom?” her question was filled with muffled words and sobs, it broke my heart.

“Mom is dying Rei.” I whispered as I also broke down, not trying to hold any tears any longer because I knew at that moment, I remembered her. Her brilliance and her elegance. She was a fine woman who knew life at it's finest and she was just gonna leave me, leave us. My heart broke so much more knowing that everyday would be a torture to her. And I couldn't. I couldn't save her.

No...” Rei just said. “No...” she repeated, crawling towards my bed. I moved from where I was, and I went to her to try and help her stand. When I got to her and I tried pulling her up, but she didn't want too. Not in a way she was refusing, but she just sat there, not willing anything to make her move. She had given up any energy to try to get up. So I added more strength and I picked her up and placed her on my bed.

She just sat there, confused, sad, lonely and stoic. Nothing showed life, except those tears that just kept falling.

She then just pointed at the door and I knew she just wanted time to herself and I was going to give her that space. Hack even I needed time to gather myself up.

“Call when you need me, I think Dad and Liam are already here.”

So my views are like 19k.😃😃😃😃 And my votes are like 800. My heart y'all ❤️❤️❤️

And I can't express my gratitude for the support and love. Here is but another chapter and I hope I get to update as much as possible even when I don't know  the outcome of it all.

I still hope I'm producing good work and y'all are happy with my work. Don't forget to vote and most importantly comment.

This author loves y'all ❤️❤️😍💙💙❣️❣️

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