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Roman's POV

We walked towards the car and I carefully placed Kalani on the back sit. People were taking photos and some were asking who Kalani was, and it was annoying. There was even newspaper reporters ready for a scope. But I wasn't in the mood for that bullshit. I needed to get Kalani out of her fast.

I didn't care about it because I was used to it but Kalani wasn't. So I quickly closed the door and I also went in. Kalani and I needed to talk and Manny was going to drive.

Two cars were in front of us and two at the back.

“Why do we have to have so many people going with us? It's making me feel nervous.” Kalani confessed.

“I am sorry. ” I told her. “But some things are necessary and this just happen to be one of those.”

“You don't have to play pretend you know. Me and my babies are perfectly fine without you.” she spoke.

“That's funny considering you said you were scared a few minutes ago.” I smirked. She then looked at the window and said, “that doesn't mean anything. It's human instinct to be scared. And plus too my hormones are not doing a great job either, so I would be scared. Especially for my babies.”

“I wouldn't know, I'm not the pregnant one.” I smiled looking at the window too.

“Why do you want to take my babies?” she turned and looked at me. Her eyes held so many emotions that I couldn't see what she really wanted to convey. So I put my stoic face back so not to look vulnerable.

“That's not your business.” I looked in front without emotion.

“But they are my babies and I deserve to know.” she then placed her hand on her belly looking down, “I deserve to know why.” she whispered.

“I wanna to know why. You know what, she then looked at me a little excited, “I don't care why, I really don't. But I beg you don't. Don't take my babies away from me I'm pleading with you.” she continued. When I looked at her, she had tears in her eyes and I didn't know what to do with them. I have never had to deal with a crying woman who happened to be the mother of my kids. So I just sat there.

“Please.” she continued, as she took my hand and looked at me. I looked at her and I opened to mouth to say something but, I couldn't even form a word. I didn't even know what to say.

“I..ummm-” and I was saved by ringing phone. It was Johnathan.

“Don't leave the hospital. There is going to be an ambush.”that was the first thing he said before I could even say hello.

“who told you that?” I asked.

“A contact I had years ago that works for Mr Steffano. He is as legit as it can be.” he  replied.

“I'm already gone with her and-”

boom and crash.
Roman's POV


That was thing I saw when I woke up. There was a lot of it. My ears felt like they had exploded and I could still hear Johnathan yelling, asking if I was ok. I touched my forehead and I realized I was bleeding and it was a very big gush. Manny was knocked out and so was my other bodyguard, Matthew. The car was upside down and there was so much glass.

I shook my head and I closed my eyes to clear my vision and to get a better understanding of what just happened and it was hard. When I looked around us, it looked like we were the only ones who crashed. More like, someone crashed on us.

There was so much noise and I tried concertrating on one thing, Kalani.  She was right next to me and she had passed out. I don't know whether it was the shock or what, but her pulse was going really slow and she needed a hospital fast. And the truth was, I had never been so terrified in my life.

“No. ” I whispered. “Please stay be alive. ”

That was the only thing I kept saying. Please, please just stay alive for a few minutes.

I started to shake her and I kept calling her name but my vision started to blur. When I looked up, I saw Eveyln running towards our car and screaming for Kalani and I kept shaking my head to clear my vision but it kept getting worse.

Before Eveyln got to the car though, I heard two more bangs and Evelyn went straight to the ground. I just blinked. Someone just shot Evelyn. When I looked around I couldn't see who it was but I was pissed. Not because of seeing someone being shot, but the fact that someone just shot my baby momma's best friend and I didn't know if she was alive. Oh, I was damn pissed. I was so f*cking pissed.

I looked around for my men and I saw they kept falling down like damn dominoes. Guns were blazing everywhere and the first thing I thought of was to protect Kalani.

So I looked for my gun and I found it near my leg. I pushed through the rubble and I got to it before the first guy came. The moment I saw them coming towards the car, I started shooting.

I shot the first one in the leg and the moment he fell on the ground, I shot him right between his eyes. The second one came from behind and he wanted to take me out by pulling my legs, I kicked him hard on his knee and he stumbled back, giving me a chance to shoot his arm.

He fell on his one knee, and he placed the one hand supporting his arm his injured arm, while trying to stop the bleeding. He came back to continue pulling me with the other one hand, and I kicked his face before adding a bullet to his face.

When I turned around towards Kalani, they were pulling her out the car. I shot the two guys in the legs while I tried getting out the car, as Kalani was already out the car. I cut my hand while trying to walk out with my hands. Glass was everywhere and the moment I got out the car, I felt a bullet enter my stomach and I stopped.

Everything just seemed to stop and I looked at Kalani and how I had failed to protect her and her babies. My babies.

No. I can't let that happen. They can't take Kalani. They just can't. 

“Kalani!” I yelled, getting back to the real world, She had to wake up and run. Before I could move towards her, I felt a kick in my right leg and I fell on my one knee, the other ready to get up. More men came and they started dragging Kalani away and when I wanted to get up, the guy who hit me on my leg, hit me again in my stomach this time. I fell on the ground but I still wanted to get up. I then felt a bang in my head, and I knew that I was about to pass out.

Everything just started going in circles and the last thing I saw, was Kalani being dragged away from me and I could do nothing but whisper her name.

Johnathans's POV

They crashed. And I could hear all of it. I could hear the guns and I could hear the noise of it all.

“Montero!” I yelled. “Can you hear me, answer me god damn it!” but still to no avail. “Where are you?”

He didn't answer, and I knew I had to get to him.

I dropped the call and the first person I called was our IT guy and he answered on the first ring. “Julius, activate Montero's phone tracker, his car tracker and alert our guys closer to him to get there fast. We will not lost the girl nor him. And keep Miss Summers safe too. Julius get to him now!”


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