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This chapter is dedicated to Nikenarsitaa , @VioletBlow and PristyBright who has been the best ever. Thank you sooo much for the support and encouragement and most importantly the comments and the continuous love. My heart goes out to you 😘😘😘😘.

Montero's POV

"Sir we have found information to get to Seven and his boss. He has a mother who is 76 years old and she lives with a housekeeper. She doesn't have a husband and she lives downtown sir." Julius said.

I had trusted him to get me the information that I needed because I knew, that as much I wanted Kalani back home, Johnathan wasn't going to sacrifice his old friend. They knew loyalty to a level I didn't understand and I was ok with that. But the fact that my unborn babies were in danger, I had to act fast. And loyalty or non, I wasn't going to risk all of that, for a pair of guys who need to grow a pair.

"Julius, give me the address now. I wanna visit the old lady, see what she knows."

"Like the hell I'll let you see her." when I turned around, it was Johnathan, standing in front of the door, blocking it with his hands.

Great, now I have to chit chat with him like time is a luxury I can afford.

"Johnathan, I don't have time for all of this. I need to go." when I tried moving towards the door, he spread his hands higher and he stood his ground.

"Dominic, that woman is old and can barely see. What in the world would she know about us? This world?" he asked.

"That's for me to decide." I replied.

"But she-"

"Kalani is in danger god damnit!" I yelled. "And so are my babies. And I'm trying to save them. Don't you understand that? Those are my children and I will be damned if I just let this chance to try save them just because Seven is your friend. Those guys were dead the moment they shot me and I was ok with killing them but now they have my kids Johnathan. Those guys have what belongs to me and if I can fight for damn drugs, you can be sure I will fight for those kids till my last breath. Now move, or I swear Johnathan I will dismantle your being."

And I think he got the picture because he moved aside and I started heading out.

“But I'm going with you, I know you will do things that you shouldn't. ”

“Don't hold your breath, if things get messy, whether you involved or not, I wouldn't really care. I'm going to find information of where I can find Kalani, not to have tea and biscuits. Make sure you don't piss me off. I'm really not in the mood.”

As we were going out, a doctor stopped me and said, “Mr Montero, I'm afraid you can't leave without being discharged sir.”

I stopped then I looked at him. He was fairly tall. Tan skin and jet black hair. He was good looking, then I thought of ways to really mess with that pretty face and it wasn't a pretty sight. I then looked at his left hand and I realized, he wasn't married. I then smiled and said, “If you still want people to find you attractive, I suggest you move.”

He didn't need to be told twice. At least he values his life.

When we got outside, there was paparazzi everywhere. People asking who Kalani was and why I was shot and if it was connected to knowing Kalani. I was annoyed really that they couldn't even let me have at least a few innocent hours in hospital without being bothered.

Who am I kidding?? Off course they would bother me.

When I got near the car, one reporter was able to pass security and stopped me and asked, “Mr Montero, the girl you came out with from hospital yesterday, where is she now, is she alive, is her child ok?” when I stopped and looked at him, everyone stopped and listened to what I would say.

“I don't know.” I looked down. “But if there is one stretch on her body or one hair missing, I vow, I will break every bone on that person and I will shoot them without remorse.” I said in anger. “For every ache she is experiencing now, I will double it. And for every discomfort she feels, I will skin out every shed of skin from their body.” I grinned my teeth.

“Who is she to you? Why do you care so much about her? And who is the father of that child she is pregnant with?”

“She is the mother of my kids.” I didn't need to explain any further. If they were still confused, that was their problem. I didn't have time to deal with them.

And I started walking when I got to the car and opened the door the reporter asked one more question, “But sir, the things you said you would do to the person who took that woman, don't you fear the law?”

I looked at him and said, “I am the god damn law. And if you think you can take away what belongs to me, I will kill anything and everything you have ever known. And that, I promise.” I the got in the car and Manny drove away.

Roman's POV
“Sir, don't you think you just gave away the fact that you will kill the person who took Miss Kalani?? What if the cops come after us this time? What if they really get us?” he looked at me with concerned.

“The cops are always out to get us Johnathan and to think you still scared of the cops is beyond me.” I smirked.

“I am not scared. It's just that-”

“Its ok.” I interrupted him. “For the first time, I really don't care. I will fight with the whole nation if I have too, to get them back. Even if it means going down, I will. But make no mistake, I won't go down without a fight. Even though I don't know miss Kalani, she bares my mark now and she belongs to me. To my kingdom. You mess with her, you mess with me, messing with me is messing with the wrath of death itself. And it come with vengeance. One that can only be quieted by blood. I'm out for blood Johnathan, and not even the law itself can stop me.”

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