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Kalani's POV

I couldn't believe it. It wasn't real. All of it just wasn't real. My dad loved me, he cared. I saw him on T.V with bags under his eyes. He was looking for me. Right?

So why, why he never came for me?

Because he knew. This whole time, he knew but he didn't come. Although he knew who took me, he still didn't come.


Why didn't he come? Was he disappointed that I was pregnant with the Don's kid, Was I a disappointment to him, to our family?

And Montero. Montero looked for me. Even though he didn't know who took me, he still looked for me. And being in the Mafia made it so much worse because he didn't know who would take me, who would be capable of taking me but still, he came for me.

As tears welled in my eyes, I quickly blinked them away. But my heart was  conflicted. It was filled with both gratitude and love for Montero, and disappointment and sadness for my dad.

“Now that we have that out the way, let's get going." Steffano interrupted me in my train of thoughts. “I know that this is rather a shock to you," he continued. “But for what's it worth, Montero actually cares about you. I think you should know that." He then continued walking in silence.

Seven also then continued pushing my wheelchair and when we got to the car, he picked me up bridal style and he put me on the back seat of the car. He then got in the other side, and Steffano sat in front with a guy I have never met nor seen in my life.

“Ok, let's hit the road." In front of us was another car and at the back were two more. The ride was rather too silent for my liking, and I was nervous. No, I was super nervous.
Montero was coming and we were going, was he gonna find me, would I be safe, would Steffano let me go?

As these questions circulated around my mind, out of nowhere, the car in front of us, just exploded.

Our car immediately went into a halt, and I banged my head on the driver's seat. And it may not sound like much, but it hurt as hell with that kind of stop.

Oh my gosh... what the hell was that? What could possibly do that?

The car in front of us turned into a pile of metal. There was so much fire and smoke and my heart was beating at an accelerated rate. I was both shocked startled at the same time.

“Shit, back, back, go back." Steffano immediately told the driver. Our car turned around and we went back to the compound.

My only prayer was a please. No matter what, I wanted to see Montero for at least one more time, please.

Montero's POV

“Sir we have a problem." Before I could ask Manny what had happened, there was a loud explosion in front of us.

“What the hell was that?!" I asked Manny in a loud angry voice.

“Uhmm sir, that was Summers sir." I could hear he was battling on whether to continue talk or just stop.

Yes, that was Summers and what did he do what did he fu*k ing do?" I yellled frustrated. What the hell was he doing?? Was Kalani close to that, was she safe?

“ Sir he blew up the first car that was coming out the compound and I'm not sure whether Ms kalani was in the car." He hesitated.

What!?" Disbelief and anger filled me. But most importantly, anxiousness. I cannot come so far to not ever see her.

That's impossible. It can't be. She is safe, I kept telling myself. She is safe.

While I were still battling with what to believe, Manny spoke up again.

“Sir, I just got a call from Mr Summers he said it was him who blew up the first car, and he also confirmed that Ms kalani was not in the car." I have never felt so relieved after hearing those words.

“ And now where is Miss kalani?" I asked.

“They are in the second car heading back." He replied with more confident.

“Ok good. And Manny, make sure next time you actually tell me the full details before you almost give me a heart attack." I reprimanded him.

“ Sir."

“Now, let's actually get there without any more surprises please!" I asked in a more calmer tone.

"Sir." He agreed.

We drove until we could see the warehouse and we then stopped. The rest of the way we were going to walk.

When we got out the cars, I rounded my guys up for the final rerun of what was to go down.

“Ok boys, we go in clean and with effectiveness. I will be the sniper for this one, and I'll take the guys on the roof and once a path is cleared, people take your positions and Gotham will look for my queen. I will find you there after, and I'll make sure that we get out of there safely, all you have to do is go get her while I'm still trying to get to you, is that clear?"

Without hesitation, Gotham and the other guys replied nodding their heads, “Sir."

“Good, now let's go." I put the map back on my sachet bag and I put my earpiece on.

“Manny, can you hear me?" I tested to see if it was working.

“ loud and clear sir." He answered.

“Ok good, you are gonna be my eyes from here on, I want everything you say to be most accurate. You understand?" I informed him as I moved towards the inner trees, trying to camouflage with them before I could find the perfect place to shoot.

“Sir." He agreed. “Just walk for about two minutes there is an opening there, and it will be good for your shoot out." He continued.

“Ok good." As I was walking, I thought of Kalani. Was she ok, did her hazel eyes still shine, did she still carry herself with shyness, and most important question, would she be happy to see me, even if it was I who raped her and currently she is to give birth to my kids?

“Sir, sir.." Manny repeated. I came back to life and I realized I had dozed off.

“I'm here," I answered. “And I see the opening. Be on the look out Manny. I'm literally the only guy here. My life depends on you in this moment, don't disappoint me." I warned him. He had to do this right.


As I went down on my belly, it bought back memories. Good and bad, but today it mostly bought good because I knew, after this, I would finally have them. I would finally have my family home.

And every bullet I would shoot, it would mean I was closer to seeing my family.

My lovies.

For starters this chapter is short. Second of all, this chapter has a million and one errors, third of all, I suck at descriptive writing, especially in action related typer eish.

I'm actually trying so hard. I had promised one reader that I would update yesterday and I couldn't. I never thought English could literally run away from me, but it did and it still is.

Although ideas are there, it's kinda hard with school and exams and writing. It's hectic.

So I had updated because it's been too long and I have to finish this up. In terms of my decision with what I'm gonna do, I will finish this book here and I'll have a sequel of the first 10 chapters this side then I'll have the other chapters on the other side.

I would  love if y'all would support my decision and whatever the future may hold for me.

I hope to update soon and without delay. I also hope this finds y'all well and amazing.

This author loves y'all 💟💟💟

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