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Evelyn's POV
You know that moment when everything just stops? Your world, for like 2.0 seconds stops and you try to process it all in but you just can't because of all the bullshit you did without really knowing the consequences of it all??

And you get so angry at not knowing all the details but you soon realise that it won't matter because you are probably gonna die very soon because of the shit you just did?

Yeah, I know nobody would do what I did because I know they would probably be more calculated than I was. I was working on impulse ok? And it was to save Kalani and her babies. Well look where that got me? Its costing me my life.

Like quite literally.

And this is all for one damn party.

And to think I'm going to die because my best friend lost her virginity is insanity. And all of this all started in that messed up night where Kalani was drugged.

Wait, Kalani was drugged. And for a moment, it felt like a light bulb lit in my head.

Yes, Kalani was drugged, and if we can find what drug it was and who did it- Mr Montero- not that I'm pointing fingers but, we can have prove in the court of law that she is capable of looking after her babies and she can at least have a chance with her babies.

But what if it won't work?? I questioned myself.

It's something. My heart reminded me, and it was all I needed to lit my heart.

Why didn't I think of all this before? I questioned myself.

Maybe it's because you were already thinking of death?


Ok well that's true, but no more death, I'm gonna live to see those babies grow. Suddenly, I turned around and I started walking towards the door. Kalani needed to hear this. Even if she's not awake, maybe she will be delighted to hear these news and make an effort to wake up. She didn't have anything to wake up too anyway but she does.

“You still going to visit her?” my dad asked.

I turned around and smiled and I replied, “Yes dad, and I think I have a plan to save her babies.” And before my dad could say anymore, I quickly rushed out the house and I could hear him yell out my name.

Sorry daddy, but this is of utter importance and it needs to be that delivered to the mother of three aka my friendship. I will talk to you later.

Kalani hold on, you gonna keep your babies and you gonna have that happily ever after.

I turned on the engine and I started driving.

Roman's POV
When we got to the hospital and I was annoyed as hell. My mother has been going on and on for ages about how she can't wait to meet Kalani and how she wants to plan for a wedding because no grandchild of hers will be born out of wedlock.

Like hell I'm gonna marry that woman.

My phone rang and it was Johnathan.

What did he want now?

“Speak.” I answered.

“Hello to you dear friend.” someone sounded happy. I rolled my eyes. What did he want?

“Are you gonna speak, or should I drop this call?” I asked annoyed. I mean, my day is not particularly going good and he really has this funny away of wanting me to put a bullet in his forehead, so anything could happen at this point.

“Johnathan, I'm gonna ask you once, want to do want?”

“geez, no need to be hostile with me, I heard Claudia was in town, I wanna greet my woman.”

Johnathan had this annoying way of greeting my mother like they were married and my mother didn't seem to mind, took no heed to it in fact,  but it made me gag. And Johnathan liked rubbing it in my face that he had 'that relationship' with my mom.

“Then come to the hospital, she's with me.” I answered. Today I'm not in the mood for his shit. Well, I'm never in the mood for his shit but today if I hear anymore of it, someone is gonna die. And it's not gonna be me.

“What! But why, who are you going to meet there?” you could clearly hear that he was shocked.

“Kalani, she's awake.”

Kalani's POV
The nurses told me that I'm good and my vitals are good and I can be discharged in three days. No amount of happy could suffice to what I was feeling right now. I was over the moon.

Yes! I'm going home.

I know that Eva is going to visit today or tomorrow, but probably tomorrow because it's really late. I can then tell her the good news and I can probably phone my mom and dad. And speak of which, I really need to phone them.

Although Eva has been covering for me, and when I mean cover I mean, she has been pretending to be me over the phone, I don't know how -I need to ask her about that- but she has been doing it and sometimes she has to cut the call short because they start asking personal things and she can't answer. But she has been a babe.

And I can't believe I have been here for 3 months and a half. Who in God's name is gonna to pay for all of this?? Then suddenly, as fast as excitement came, it when out the window.

Mr Montero.

He swore to take my babies and that's why I'm here. So he can say I didn't even have money for proper medical care to take care of my babies.

That son of a female dog.” Hilary said. I just smiled. That's right Hilary, son of a *****. I can't believe him. The nerve he has to rape me and want to take my babies. I would be damned if I let that snob of a man even come near my kids.

And the fact that he thinks he's all that, is beyond me. But oh, he doesn't know me. He doesn't know me at all. Yea, I was abit scared when all of this started, but I didn't have to fight for anything back then. But now, now I have a whole nation of babies depending on me to keep them safe. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna protect them. Protect them with my life. And I'll be damned if that man walks all over me like he did before.

There is only one Kalani, and that Kalani is me. And it's gonna rain inferno before I give up my babies.


Roman's POV
I just walked in the hospital with my mother by my side and I went straight to her room. I didn't need to sign in, it's not like that didn't know me. And even if they didn't, it's their problem they don't know me.

When I got to her room I opened the door, and there she was, looking outside, and in that moment, I swore, she was the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes one. Even with that hideous gown and cute small bump, she made my heart skip a beat.

Ok shut up now.

I cleared my throat to indicate someone was in the room with her.

“Doctor.” she said turning around. And when she saw it was me, her once smiling face, was replaced with a very angry one.


Roman Montero and herHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin