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Roman's POV.

“What?” she seemed shocked. Hack, I didn't even plan this out this way. It was going all sort of wrong. But there was no backing out right now.

“You heard, marry me.” I put on my best smile.

“What no!” she exclaimed.

“Why?” I asked.

“Well for starters this is not romantic at all and-”
I chuckled. “Is there anything funny at what I said Mr Montero?” she asked.

“No, I just didn't picture you as the romantic type.” I answered truthfully.

I really didn't.

“Oh,” she folded her arms, “And what exactly did you picture me as?”

“I don't know. Maybe you like horror movies or something.” I shrug my shoulders.

“What no! Horror scares me to death. I'm more your romcom type of girl.” she showed all her teeth.

Oh gosh, and I get to marry her right? Kill me now.

You know, get flowers, a box of chocolates and a ring. Go all out. This, this is outrageous.” she reasoned.

“Ok.” I sat and looked at her.

“Plus too, you don't know me that well.” she added.

“I got my whole life to know you Kalani.” she blushed and looked away.

“Don't do that Mr Montero.” Her face all cute pink.

“For you, it Roman mi amore, or just Dominic.” I smirked. Making her blush was my new favorite thing.

“But I'm used to calling you Mr Montero.” she pouted.

Are all pregnant woman like this, or she's just a tease?

Well, I am the father of your kids and so to be, your husband.” I smiled.

She looked at me shocked.

“But I didn't say yes.” she reasoned.

“Then I'll have to keep on asking.” she looked away again and I stood up again going to the window.

“Now on more important things. Steffano-”

“I'll tell you the same thing I told my dad.” I turned around and looked at her.

“I will not give you up. The law failed me, but you didn't. And I'll be damned if I let them take the father of my kids away from me when they couldn't even do their jobs right.” she spoke confidently, and I knew, nobody would tell her otherwise.

Now that's my girl.

I walked to her, took her face into my palms, and I kissed her forehead lightly.

“Thank you.” I whispered, with my forehead on hers.

“You welcome.” she smiled back.

I moved back and sat down so we could talked about the way forward. Well, more like how her new life is now.

“Seven is your new bodyguard. I saw how fond you were of him, and since his a good friend of Johnathan's, I thought I should keep him around.” I informed her.

“Really!” she squinted as a kid. Her eyes held such a beautiful glow that I'd always want to see.

“Yea, kid's got a potential. And he respects me.” I casually answered.

“Thank you! thank you! thank you!” she semi jumped on the bed.

“Ok, calm down.” I laughed wholeheartedly. It was the first good laugh I have had on a very long time.

“You have good laugh Montero, you should laugh more.” she smiled.

“Marry me, and I'll always be happy.” I raised my eyebrows for her, making myself look funny.

She laughed, and I swear it sounded like magic.

“And I have already answered you. Come back with a better proposal and well,” she chuckled, “My dad will literally kill you for wanting to take me away from them.” she joked.

“But I am a traditional man Kalani.” I spoke on a serious note. “I have taken you ladyhood, without meaning it off course, and you got pregnant. I am to wed you. I don't know if your people have the same values or...”

“We do.” She quickly responded.

“Well it's settled then. I am to wed you.” I spoke confidently.

“What no?! I didn't agree.” she looked at me taken aback by my assumption.

“But you just said-” I rised my hands in defeat.

“I know what I said. But a girl has to agree you know. Not stop talking and help me up, I need to use the toilet.”

“Yes ma'am.” I helped her up and when she was out the bed, she walked on her own. I swear Kalani could look like a whale if she wanted, but she still looked as beautiful as the day I met her.

When she came back, I continued our conversation. “You are going to have to go home. Maybe for a week. I'm sure your mom is worried sick about you. Y'all can travel in my jet so I don't have to worry.” I informed her, she nodded.

“When you come back, you are to stay on my penthouse with Eva. That way I know that you safe and away from the media's eye.” I continued.

“But what's wrong with my dorm?” She asked.

“Well, for starters, they took your bursary away and two, that dorm is crowded and three, it's too public. I have paid for you fees so you don't have to worry.” I kissed her forehead.

“But how do I pay you back? I don't like owing people staff?” she curiously questioned.

“Deliver those babies safely ok? And be my wife off course.” I smirked at the last part.

She slightly hit my shoulder and I pretended to be hurt.

“Aw aw, that hurts.” she covered mouth and muttered sorry.

“Don't worry, we all good. Now, I have to head back at the office, and on my way out out, try not to be killed by your dad,” she giggled when I said this, “And work with that proposal si?”

“Si?!” it was more of a question than a statement. But that didn't matter, in due time, she would understand italian. I thought to myself.

Before I left, I tucked her back in bed and told that Eva was outside.

“You mean this whole time?” She really emphasized whole.

“Yea...” I replied skeptically.

“And you didn't think it was important to tell me?” she asked.

“Well, I'm telling you now. And if I actually did tell you, we wouldn't have had the conversation that we were having, and it was really important for me to talk to you without anybody close.” I reasoned.

She seemed to think about it and she nodded her head, “Fair point.” I smiled at her one last time and I headed towards the door.

“Wait!” she stopped me.

I turned around and looked at her.

“What's wrong?” I asked.

“You didn't kiss your babies goodbye.” she blushed turning way. I came back smirking, biting lower lip.

Come my daddy.

Cause I love y'all very much ❤️❤️💞💞

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