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Liam's POV.

What?! I couldn't believe it. She was pregnant. She was finally pregnant. I mean, I didn't expect it but that's ok. I smiled and I pulled her into a hug and I twirled her around.

She giggled and told me to put her down.

“Sorry.” I rubbed my neck. I then picked her up and again twirled her again. Her giggling increased and I realized something. She was pregnant. She can't go out. She can't go fight.

I immediately put her down and I started to unscrape her gear.

“What you doing?” she looked at me as her smile disappeared.

“You are not going.” I told her.

“No.” she hit my hand. “Let go.” she moved back.
“I' m going with you.” she shook her head.

“No you not. We will not argue about this. You are not going.” I said in a more stan voice.

“No...” she whispered. “You going to die and I can't have you dying and I'm just sitting hoping you escape. He will kill you. Dom will kill you.”

And the more she said it, the more I knew how true it all was. Dom was going to kill me. And I couldn't run away from it. But Maria could. She could get that chance. She could live to see our baby. She could actually have a life. Even if it was without me.

“Maria I don't have time to argue with you. You need to leave. You can live in our cabin in Malibu. It's big enough for two people. And our stored cash can last you a lifetime. I have saved forever. You can get out here now and-”

“No.” she repeated. “I am not leaving because even if I did, Montero is going to find me and if he does, whatever life you think I would have, I won't have it because he will kill me too. And that is a given. You live, I live. You die, I die with you. Til death do us part remember?” she held my hand smiling at me with tears in her eyes.

I knew she was right. Montero was going to kill her and he will do the same with me too. But it felt so much better knowing at least she could live a little longer than me. Maybe even give birth to our kid.

“I know.” I responded looking down.

“So I leave with you. And I will not part away from you. When I made that promise in front of that judge, I meant it with my life. No matter what, with or without child, I'm going with you Liam Piero Montero. And there is nothing you can do to stop me unless you end my life right here, right now.” when I looked at her she was as serious as she could be. And I knew there was no way I could talk her out of it.

“Fine.” she smiled jumping up and down like a baby.

“But you stay behind me. I can't protect you if I don't know where you are.” I warned her.

“Yes sir.” she cheerfully agreed, while quickly nodding her head.

“Now let's get going. We literally the only ones left.” I took her hand and as we left that house, I knew, both of us where not coming back alive.

Giovanni Montero's POV (Montero's father)

Liam is going to die. At least he knows that. I don't know what he was thinking messing with that Kalani girl. Montero made a mess trying to find her and Liam knew where she was the whole time. I don't think it gets more messy than that.

I don't know what he was thinking, but he sure will die. I then just took out my phone and called in a friend of mine Francisco to pull in a favor.

“G, what can I do for you man?” he answered smiling.

“You know what I need France.” I replied smiling back.

“Who did you kill now man?” he chuckled.

“Well, now it's more like who the Don will kill. He will kill Liam tonight.” I answered going to pour myself some whiskey.

“What?” you can hear shock and confusion in his voice. “But aren't both of them your sons?”

“Yes they are. ” I responded as I sat down. “But Liam messed up big France. He took the Don's girl. And the Don knows.” I took a sip.

“Damn. Wait, you mean that Kalani girl?” I could hear his voice was filled with shock.

“Yes, the one and only.”

“Oh man, he messed up. There is no way you could undo that.” I could hear his chair twirl on the other side.

“Exactly. So I want you to do clean up for me. After he is dead that is. Get him home and I'll hold a burial for him in Sicily.” I took another sip.

“Damn man, this is so twisted. You actually planning a funeral for one of your kids and he is still alive. That is messed up man. Can't you like save him or something?”

“Well, if you want me dead too France, sure I can do that. Save him and all. But we both know Liam didn't just kidnap an ordinary girl. Girl was pregnant with the Don's kids. His heirs. Three kids. That's not joke. If the girl died, Montero would lose all of them. Even if I wanted to help, how do I help undo that mess?” Francisco seemed to be thinking too, amounting to no answer though.

“Ok I hear you man. I understand. So where is this place I'm retrieving him?” he asked.

“His warehouse here in New York.” I answered.

“Damn, your kid is brave. Kidnapped the Don's queen only to have her stay here?” he chuckled.

“Yea well, it was a stupid move to help Steffano. His going to die with his pregnant wife now.” I took another sip. I can't believe Liam was so stupid.


“What?!” you could hear him spit out what he was drinking. “You have got to be kidding me? What is wrong with your family man?”

“Oh it gets worse. The wife has cancer and Johnathan thinks he's a damn cop.” justing thinking about all of it made me take another sip all together.

“Wow, your family is a whole disfunctional telenovela.” he laughed.

“I know francisco, cheers to disfunctionality.” I rised my glass up taking another sip.

Well I hope this was better.

My lovely humans. I'm not sure if the Montero's father has a name, but if does, please remind me of it so this could be like his second name of something. And Kalani people, if anyone knows how far she is in her pregnancy, please remind me. I wouldn't even know where to start if I go looking for that.😅😅😅😅

So y'all met the father. He really just doesn't care about anything really. To him all things are bound to die so he doesn't care much about all of it.

Hope this is better and I hope I update soon.

This author loves y'all ❤️❤️💞💞

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