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Montero's POV

Finally I was going home. I was taking Kalani home.

My Kalani.

You can't possibly think I will let go just like that do you?” Johnathan spoke.

Goodness I forgot he was here. What am I going to do with him now?

I turned around, and looked at him.

“And what exactly are you going to do to me Johnathan?” I asked defeated.

I really can't deal with him right now.

“I need to take you in man.” he replied.

“Yea, you can't do that.” I shook my head. He chuckled, took out his gun and pointed it at me.

“You killed a man Dom, and there is no way I could pardon that.” I turned around, urged Jacobson to come and take Kalani and when Kalani saw what was happening, she held on me like dear life.

“I need you to go to your father. I'll be okay.” I assured.

“No, he going to take you away from us.” she pouted, with tears welling up her eyes.

When she said us I knew she meant our babies but instead I said, “god you beautiful.” I whispered, ignoring her soft cries. I kissed her forehead and looked at her.

“I'll come back. I promise. But right now I need you to go with your dad and he will take you to hospital. I'll be right behind you. I can't be seen leaving this place with you understand?” I asked.

“You promise?” Her tears started to fall.

“I promise.” I smiled at her, trying to assure her that everything is going to be ok.

I looked at her dad and said, “Keep her safe Jacobson. I don't have more energy to go look for her again si? Now please, just keep her safe. I don't like having to threaten you.” I spoke through my teeth.

He chuckled and replied, “She was my daughter before she carried your babies you know?”

“Yea, a daughter you took your own time to find.” I fired back.

“Guys stop!” Kalani interrupted us.

“Can we do this some other time? I'm pregnant, hungry, annoyed, sad, hurting and anxious. The last thing I need right now is having two important people in my life fighting about who came. Y'all are both here and it means the world to me. But please, can we just get out of here?”

I just kept quiet and I nodded. Jacobson followed with a nod. I took her cheek into my hand and I kissed her forehead one last time. Jacobson looked like he was ready to murder me and I just smirked.

Well, at least I made him mad. I thought to myself.

They turned around and went the direction I came.

Now there was only Maria, dead Steffano, dead Liam, Johnathan and a guy I didn't even know. Why was he even alive?

I picked up my gun and pointed it at him and asked, “And who might you be?”

He quickly put his hands in the air and answered,“Sir, it's an honor to finally meet you I-”

“I can't say the feeling is mutual. Now, I'll ask once more, who are you and where were you taking Kalani?” I cocked my gun.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” Johnathan spoke, his gun still pointed at me. The guy looked at Johnathan and smiled.

“Johnathan, it's you. I didn't recognize you.” he exhaled.

Roman Montero and herWhere stories live. Discover now