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Someone's POV
"Sir, they are moving her out of the hospital." the voice said.

"when?" the big boss asked.

"Now sir." the other replied.

"And how you know this??" he inquired.

"Sir I'm the one discharging her." the nurse said.

"Ok." the big boss thought. Maybe this was the chance to take her.

"Who is with her?"

"It's Mr Montero and Mr Santoro and the mother sir. Oh, and the girl named Evelyn sir." she replied.

"So it's the full house. The we ambush them today. " the big boss said smiling.

"Sir." then the call was disconnected.

This was the big moment he was waiting for. Finally he could get Montero and the girl. It would be like hitting two birds with one stone. If he got Montero, then he could expand his empire in the underground world. Taking him down meant he would elevate and become the bigger guy.

Plus too, if he got girls and the mother plus the right hand man, all together at the same time, it was just icing on a cake.

"This was gonna be fun." He smirked.

He then speed dialed Seven and on the fourth ring, he picked up.

"What is so important, you not answering my call?" he asked annoyed.

"Sorry sir, I was bathing." he answered.

"Nevermind that, gather your men, we going after Montero and the girl." To say Seven was shocked would be an understatement. He was terrified. How could they go after the boss king himself.

What was that?

Did the guy really wanna die just because of a girl whom they could get when Montero wasn't close, or better yet, find another way to make Mr Jacobson pay?

But no, the big boss always had to find harder ways to succeed. You would swear he had man power. They were going against the very guy who was man power himself and Seven wanted to make sure he was insured and safe if things went South. Well he knew things would go south at the end anyways. You can't just start war with the king and not expect casualties. And he had a feeling that his own boss was going to be the very casualty he was trying not to afford.

So he had a plan. One that would guarantee that he would come out of this alive. Even if the big boss died. Because in a way Seven knew, going after the king's woman was already nailing your own coffin. And what makes it worse is the fact that the woman is with child, Seven knew, there is nothing more dangerous than a man protecting his own.

So after the call, Seven did the most sensible thing he could thing of, he phoned Johnathan.

Seven's POV

"He is attacking today." that's how I started my conversation with Johnathan when he picked up his phone.

There was no way I was going to die because of someone's stupidity. I knew I didn't have much, but I still had my mom and that woman meant the world to me. And to just up and leave, would rather be stupid because I know that at the end of the day, Montero is going to kill us. And that was a fact we couldn't deny.

And to think that we going to attack a woman who is pregnant makes me more disgusted. I mean, we going to attack a whole king and his Queen, with his little ones, doesn't he think the whole kingdom is going to come after us?

Everyone bows to the Don, and the moment we decide to go after him, everyone in both worlds is going to come after us. Everyone that is loyal to Montero that is. And that is like 70% of bad guys ready to kill even a cat to avenge for the Don and I'm not going to sign up for up for death itself.

"Where?" he asked.

"When you leaving the hospital." I replied, packing my bag getting ready for the attack.

"My boss will remember you Seven." he said.

"That's all I want." then the phone went dead.

Alot of people are about die and Mr Montero is not going to be one of them.

Johnathans's POV

Roman was right, like always. He was always right. I needed to tell him this. And I needed to tell him fast. I took my phone and I called him. He answered on the second ring.

"Don't leave the hospital. There is going to be an ambush." that was the first thing I said when he answered.

"who told you that?" he asked.

"A contact I had years ago that works for Mr Steffano. He is as legit as it can be." i replied.

"Im already gone with her and-"


Roman's POV - (before the crash)

The moment they were done, I put Kalani in a wheelchair and Eveyln had her bags. We had six guys on each side and my gun was ready to shoot. I couldn't take chances, This was the mother of my children we were talking about and she had to be safe.

"Mr Montero, I heard Kalani whisper. "I am scared." she continued. I don't think I was supposed to hear that but I did, and I squeezed her shoulder to assure that everything was going to be ok, and that I was going to protect her, whatever the cost may be.

When we got outside, Eveyln looked at me and said, "take care of her and keep her safe." I just nodded my head and she hugged her friend telling her sweet nothings I'm assuming.

"I will tail your car until I feel it's safe for you. If anything happens, I have my dad on speed dial and he will pull through." she continued.

I didn't even have a say. Although I could protect Kalani on my own, I didn't have time to argue with her. So again, I just nodded. I picked up Kalani bridal style and she fitted perfectly in my arms and when I looked at her, she started blushing and I smirked.

I guess you still have it in you.

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