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Kalani's POV
When we were ready, seven quickly helped push my wheelchair and we met Steffano along the way. He then looked at seven and said, "Currently she's the most important person on this building and without her be sure, even your future wife is dead. She needs to be safe at all times. Guard her with your life Seven." he said in an urgent, yet panicky voice.

"Yes sir." Seven nodded his head with determination in his eyes.

"Now let's get moving, we have two cars out, we take the second one. You, me and Miss Kalani."

He nodded and we moved. When we were moving through the corridors, there were guys everywhere. And they all had guns. Some were on stairs, other on rooftops, while others were still gearing up. It was going to be war alright. And I can't believe it was all because of me. So many people where going to die because of me. It really just broke my heart.

"Can't I just make it all stop?" I asked Seven. "I mean all these people are here because of me. Can't it all just stop because I'm going home anyways?"

"I'm sorry Miss Kalani, but nothing in this world goes the way you want it too. The moment you went missing, it was a given that a war was going to start. Especially when you got pregnant with the Don's heirs."

"But I was just an ordinary girl." I tried reasoning. " hack I'm still an ordinary girl." I chuckled.

"Oh no you were not. And you still aren't. Your father was, or shall I say is a cop. One of the best I might add. So even if it wasn't Montero you got kidnapped for, your father has a million and one enemies that would like to take revenge on him in more ways than one. You just got lucky that you got taken by us. Guys who don't really molest people. Or maybe you never got touched because of who you belong too."

"I don't belong to anyone." I snarled.

"Off course you don't." he smiled. "what I'm trying to say is, either way, your life was always in danger Miss Kalani. You just never got to notice it."

I then just kept quiet and really thought of what he said. And somehow it was true. My dad was a cop and that would initially make me the target of whoever would want revenge because I was only one away from home which made it easy for me to be live bait. So what if, no, I shook my head, that would be impossible. My dad had nothing to do with it. I silently told myself.

But what if, all of this was really my dad's fault and not Montero? Montereo has enemies yes, but not many people would go after him. Especially not Steffano. Steffano is timid, a low life. He wouldn't mess with Montero because he knows that would be the biggest blow for him. His whole empire would be a pile of ashes.

He wouldn't just kidnap me just to treat me right. That wouldn't not be normal. If it was to make Montereo suffer, he would have hurt me, killed my babies while I was alive and he would do things I wouldn't dare think about. But he kept me safe, gave me the best room when I was almost taken advantage off and he never laid his hands on me just because he was angry.

He had his reasons why he almost killed me and on both times it was to get Montero to back away. It was never to hurt me. If he wanted to, he would have, long ago. Unless I was bait for something else. Something that was not related to Montero. Something that had to do with my dad.

Information maybe, evidence. Maybe all Steffano wanted was an exchange for whatever my dad took. It was never about getting into such a mess. But now it is, it's created the most craziest crossfire.

But I had to be sure. I couldn't just speculate about all of this. Maybe it was all a misunderstanding.

"I'm live bait right?" I blurted it out. He stopped walking and he looked at me. I quickly swallowed whatever saliva that was left in my mouth. But I continued. "For my dad? I was supposed to the live bait." he then moved closer to me but there was only a limited space I could move back too. He then just smiled and caressed my cheek. I looked away and I closed my eyes, while Seven slightly moved the wheelchair back.

He then back away and he started walking.
"Yes." he answered. "You were supposed to be live bait. Not for Montero though, for your dad."

I covered my mouth and I grasped. I shook my head willing to believe it.

It can't be true. I kept telling myself. It's not true. Steffano turned around and saw my expression, smiled, turned around again and started walking while Seven continued to push the wheelchair.

"Your dad was supposed to give back my shipment. He took it in as evidence and all I wanted was to get it back. But he didn't want to listen so, I had to send me a statement. Or shall I say," he slightly turned, "A message, that I could get to him, and do whatever I wanted to his people if he didn't return it." I cringed at the thought of that. He then continued walking and said, "So my guys drugged you so we could take you away."

"When?" I asked. I don't remember being drugged. Unless, noo, it can't be.

"When you went clubbing at The Phoenix." I shook my head in disbelief with tears in my eyes. It was him. It was all him. All this time I thought it was Montero. But he didn't know. He really didn't know. Suddenly tears filled my eyes and I was filled with so much anger.

"It was you." I said with anger radiating from my words. He turned to see I was breathing through my teeth, my hands had formed fists and I was ready for war.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look cute when you angry?" he smiled walking towards me. I didn't care. Quiet frankly, I wanted him to get close so I could punch the day lights out of him. He got closer and he lowered his face do he was face to face with me.

"But yes, I drugged you and-" and I punched him right across his face. And I regretted it the moment I did it. Because a) it hurt like hell and b) I just made him more angry. He just stood upright, rubbed his cheek and looked at me and said, " You throw a mean punch. But do that again, I will disregard the fact that you the only reason why we still alive and I will kill you." I could hear the threat in his voice and I knew it wasn't a joke. He then turned around and continued.

"When I planned to kidnap you, I didn't know you were Montero's girl. And the truth is, you only alive because you are. If you weren't, I would have had my man rape and kill you. You meant nothing to me Kalani and you still don't. But the moment you carried those babies, you meant something important to someone highly trained to kill, dismantle and to rule. And the only mistake I made was to take you even when I knew who you belonged too. But I had to try. If I didn't, I was going to jail. I just needed a few days and I was going to let you go. I knew Montero wouldn't find me so fast, even if he has the most connected person in the world. And with his injury, he had to rest for maybe a day or two. But your dad never came. He never came for you and now all of us are paying because a man loved his job mre than his damn kid."

So here we are again.

Kalani found the truth out all by herself with makes me think she is an amaze balls for figuring it all out.

It was both shocking and sad to her, but now at least she knows that Montero never took advantage of her willingly. He sincerely didn't know.

That's it for now. Hope this was good.

And this author loves y'all ❤️❤️💞💞

NB: I will proofread this book once I'm done.

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