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Jacobson's POV
“Like the hell he is!” I banged the desk. “Who does he think he is? Parading himself as a saint. Thinking he is all that? Stating that he is the law, the nerve he has.” I chuckled, switching off the news.

“Sir, people like Montero don't know their limits or when to stop dreaming. I think you should just calm down and focus on finding your daughter.” Evan said, walking towards me, urging me to sit down.

I tilted my head and looked at him and asked, “Evan, do I pay you to counsel me or to get me information?”

“Get you information sir.” he backed away.

“And are you doing that at the moment?”

“No sir.” he replied.

“Ok now do this, get me the information I asked you and I'll get a therapist to shrink me yea?”

“Yes sir.” with that, he left.

Roman's POV
When we got to the woman's house, I took out my gun and was ready to fire.

“I don't think that would be necessary boss. This woman stays alone and she barely knows anything about us.” Johnathan tried to reason with me.

“That's for me to decide. If I decide someone is deserving of a bullet, then someone will get a bullet.” we then stepped out the car and we walked to towards the building.

We then took the lift and we got to the fifth floor without a hussle. I then knocked on the third knock, a woman about Kalani's age opened the door. And for a second, all of it just stopped. When I looked at this girl, I swore I saw Kalani. When I reached out to touch her face, she back away and I came back to life. I remembered where I was and I backed away.

I turned around and I looked up, running my hands on my hair, trying to get myself to breathe.

Get your shit together. I whispered to myself.

“You good man?” Johnathan tapped my shoulder.

“Yea, I'll be there in a minute.” I replied. I then tried composing myself and got ready to go in. This is not how I had pictured this to turn out.
When I got to Johnathan, he went inside as I assumed he had spoken to the girl.

When we got inside, I wasn't expecting to see a fragile woman who could barely to anything. She had a round face, cute cheeks and alot of grey hair.

“Who's there Reiley?” old lady asked.

“Guys that work with Kevin.” the small girl replied.

“Oh really,” she smiled. “How is my boy? I heard that he was working on something big, didn't really tell me what is was, well he never tells me where he works, one would think he is a bad guy.” she continued smiling.

“Actually he is bad. He took my pregnant wife and I'm looking for him.” I answered back.

I don't think I have ever since such shock and confusion in one face. She held her hand over her mouth trying to cover her shock.

What!?” she whispered. “I'm afraid you mistaken. Kevin would never do that. He is a kind little boy who-”

He has my wife.” I interrupted yelling, while startling everyone in the room. “His boss has her and need her back.” I gritted my teeth.

“Son, that can't be true. This isn't what-” she tried talking

Don't tell me what to think.” I yelled.  “I was there when his gang shot me and took her away from me. So don't tell me what I think or what I don't.” I was mad. I was soo angry I didn't even care if the woman didn't know anything. Despite the fact that she might really be telling truth.

What made me more mad was the fact that she was protecting his murderer son. That made me so pissed I wanted to put a bullet in someone's head.

“But my son is innocent.” she tried defending him.

That is a freaking lie!" I pointed at her. "Your son is a fraud. A whole murderer who took my wife with our unborn babies and god knows what they doing to her. He is a rapist and a fraud. You hear me woman? A whole freaking fraud!"

“Dom, calm down dude.” Johnathan held my shoulder. “Wait outside, I'm going to talk to her. I'll reason with her. See what she knows. You can clearly see she is shocked and can't really process what you saying. Give her to me, I'll talk to her. She's familiar to me. I'll get all that I know. ”

I then just left the room in a rage because I knew if i stayed any longer, I would hurt someone. 10 minutes later, Johnathan came out shaking his head.

“All she knows is that her son is a manager in some supermarket 3 blocks down from her. And I checked with them and he never worked there. So it was all just a lie to cover up the truth. She really doesn't know anything.”

"If I had a moment with her, she would have remembered something useful." I snarled.

"Dom that's not how we get information." He reasoned.

"Haa, you have gotten soft Jonathan." I resorted.

"She's old. Can't you see that?" He yelled. "You can't just go around pointing your gun at every second person you see. That's not how life works. I know you trying to get them back but-"

"There is no but." I said slowly and calmly as I turned around looking at him. "I have never valued any human life and for the first time, I value four. And if you think you gonna talk me out of it with your bullshit, I suggest you leave and let me do what I do best. I'm gonna find them and if it means putting a bullet on that woman's head," I said I walked closer to him while pointing towards her house, "make no mistake, I can and will put a bullet in yours too if you try to stop me."

Jonathan's POV.
To say Roman has gone mad ever since he woke up would be an understatement. He has got worse. Everyday he threatens to kill me and by the looks of it, if he doesn't find Kalani soon, I think, he really will end my life.

But in all of this what really still don't understand, why is Roman calling Kalani his wife? Has he really fallen for her or it's because his guilty of what he did to her? Either way, I would only ask him when all of this blows over. And that's if I'm still alive that is.

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