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Eva's POV
Ok. I am probably exaggerating. But come to think of it, I am not. That man raped my friend because I know she didn't consent wholeheartedly. She only signed that piece of paper only because she didn't know what it was.

That piece of shit is going to see who I really am. He can't just mess with my friend and think I won't fight back.

You messed with the wrong girl Montero. The one girl you shouldn't have messed with.

After talking to my dad, he was too shocked to even do anything else. He just stood up and went. Without another word, he just kissed my forehead, smiled and left the room. I then waited for another ten minutes, just to make sure he didn't come back and that he really was out of the hospital.

And ten minutes did past and he never came back which meant, he really was gone and I could go see Kalani. Standing up was easier then I thought, and I walked as fast as my legs could carry me. When I got to Kalani's room, I stopped.

I don't know, maybe it was because I was scared, or because I still felt guilty that all of this was partially my fault. Ok all of it was my fault, and I won't deny any of that. And in a way, I knew that Kalani knew the truth too and I was nervous because maybe she was angry at me.

And I didn't want that. I didn't want her to be angry at me while she was sick and was with kids. I opened the door and the first thing I saw was a very fragile human. Someone that wasn't my bestfriend. That's what I saw. A lifeless girl with a very pale face, black rings around her eyes and a very big belly.

And the more I walked closer, the more my heart started beating faster. When I got to her, I held her hand and tears just started falling. Never have I ever seen Kalani like that. It broke my heart. Seeing her like that. So lifeless and fragile.

She wasn't the Kalani I knew. She didn't have that million dollar smile that she always had. Her hair wasn't bouncing around and her hazel eyes weren't glittering at all. All I saw was this humanless human who was in my friend's body.

Kalani..." I whispered, “I am sorry K." I continued. “It was never my intention to hurt you. Believe me K, I would never do anything to make you hurt or cry. I am really sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said, and I promise my intentions were always good. I always had good intentions at heart for you. And if you want him to pay, I promise, he will pay. I will make him pay for all the hurt that he has made you go through, and all the tears that you had to shed just because of him. I promise K."

“I am not really sure you can hold to that promise." Someone spoke.

I was startled at the sudden sound of someone talking, because I swore, I was alone. When I turned around, it was the devil himself. Mr stupid Montero.

“You..." my body automatically changed gears and I jumped for him. With all the rage that I had, I slapped him with all my might and gosh that felt good.

“You son of a dog." I continued. He was still shocked while holding his right cheek, I grabbed his collar and started shaking him.

“You selfish man whore," I continued,“ How could you?  How could you rape her? Why? Why did you freaking raped her?" I yelled. He just smiled. He just freaking smiled.

Uhmmmm, and that, and I mean that, just made my blood boil even more. This son of a broccoli. The nerve he has. I am going to kill him. I am going to freaking murder him. And in between all the lines, I think Kalani would be proud of me because I wasn't swearing.

At that, I just smiled. Mr Montero looked at me funny, but I obviously wasn't going to entertain him. He can think whatever he wants to think. I am not in the mood to entertain his stupid ass. Oh gosh, I just swore.

Kalani I am sorry. I am so so so sorry. It's this stupid stupid son of a mug. His literally get on my last nerve. I just wanna rip off his stupid head off. Arghhh... I was speaking to Kalani telepathically.

I know I know, you think I am crazy, but nope. In fact, I am far from crazy if you asked me. We do that sometimes with Kalani, talk telepathically that is. And I hope she can hear me. Gosh, I missed her. I missed her to bits.

But back to business. More like back to this idiot. I looked at him and still he was looking at me funny.

“What are you looking at?” I asked.

“You. I mean to say, you are quite an interesting human Miss Eveyln. One minute you are trying to swearing me and the next you are smiling. I have to say, I am really intrigued. Not everyone is as crazy as you. But then again, lay a finger at me one more time, and I promise, my dogs will be having them for lunch.”

“Oh shut up”, I rolled my eyes. “You don't scare me Montero”, I continued. “Maybe you scared her, poor little Kalani, didn't know how to handle your ignorant ass. Well I am not her, in fact, I am 10% human and 90% bitch. So don't you dare come here thinking you can threaten me and think I will be scared. With that said, I suggest you start talking or God so help me. ” I said while pointing at him.

“Oh that's where you wrong Miss Eveyln. I don't need to explain myself to you nor do I have to explain myself to Kalani.” As he said this, he kept coming closer and I had to move back. Then I realized, this is bullshit. He wants to take my best friend's babies and to hell with him. I won't let that happen. Not in a million years.

So I stopped. But he kept coming closer until he was right up my face.

“Well listen up very carefully Miss Eveyln,” he was right at my face,“ I don't like you. Let's get that straight and-”

“Well I don't like you too.” I interrupted.

“I am not done,” I looked at him but more frighten this time. Ok this guy is intimating than I thought. He walked closer to me.

“As I said, I will do what I want, when I want, and how I want it too. And right now, I want my kids. The kids that Kalani and I have.”

“Oh stop right there, Montero.” I interrupted, while walking closer to him. We were literally just going back and forth. “Let's get one thing straight, those kids,” I pointed at Kalani's belly, “Those that are growing in Kalani's belly, those are hers. You are just a sperm donor. You practically raped her and that doesn't count. So don't you dare,” I said this as I moved closer while I pointed at his face, “And I mean don't dare, claim life that you don't deserve, because trust me, that is one battle you are about to lose.”

“Is that a threat Miss Eveyln??” He raised his eyebrows.

“Oh no this, this is not a threat Montero, it's a promise. No matter how tough you think you are, in this battle,” I pointed around the room to get a feel of what I was saying,“ you will have to be tougher, because you are about to go for a hell of a ride.” I then pushed him aside and I walked out.

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