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(U) prospective

As me and Obi walk into the medical wing I'm tackled into a hug "(U)!!!" Kirito grins hugging me and my eye's turn a bright sun kiss yellow "KID-O!!! Wow! Have you grown!? I didn't relize you'd be here so soon!!" I smile picking the small blond kid up "hay Yuzuri suzu its good to see ya" Obi greets the other two herbalists "look!!!" Kirito says taking the small knife I gave him from his pocket when I set him back down and he shows me some patterns he's carved into the wood hilt of the knife "wow kid that's cool! Did you do that?" I ask looking over the knife "yep!" Kirito grins proudly "I helped" suzu adds "I did most of it!" Kirito argues making me laugh and Obi ruffles the kids hair "long time no see what ya been up to? From the letter Getting into trouble I can tell!" Obi says and Yuzuri nod's "he got into some major trouble a few weeks ago" Yuzuri says "I just spilt a little bottle of poison! It's not like I killed any one" kirito pouts and then red walk's into the room "shiriuki!" Yuzuri greets smiling "good to see you" suzu says "it's been too long Yuzuri! Suzu! Kirito!" red grins hugging Yuzuri "where's Ryu?" Kirito ask's "oh yeah he's reading I'll take you to him this way" red says and the 5 of us follow her down the hall before stepping into ryu's office "Ryu! Um? Ryu!" Kirito says walking up to the brown haired boy to sucked into his book to look up at Kirito "Ryu look who's here" Obi says "HAY! REMEMBER ME!?!" Kirito ask's stomping his foot on the floor finally getting ryu's attention "oh! Kirito?" Ryu question's wide eye'd "surprise!" I cheer and then I hear the door to ryu's office open and the chife walk's in with a terrifying sleep deprived glare making me jump 'scary...' I think "hey there kiddo's welcome... shiriuki Ryu suzu the herbalist Yuzuri the plant collector..... I have a job for you" the chife says slamming a huge stack of papers down on a desk that's covered in papers medical stuff and herbs "oh and you too Obi (u)" the chife says looking at me and Obi "huh? Us? Nah I just dropped by to hello but-.... oh.... haha sorry you were saying!" Obi says nervously scratching the back of his neck after the chife glares at him making us both jump "wellcom to the castle's medical wing everyone I hope you enjoy your stay" the chife says eerily before exiting Ryu's office sending chills up my spine "did she eat a bad mushroom or something?" Suzu ask's "this sucks I was hoping to explore the town during our stay" Yuzuri says "hurry (u) c'mon we gotta ditch this place" Obi says grabbing my arm dragging me away trying to get out of work but kirito drags us right back "no way if I half to help these guy's then you do too" Kirito says and I sigh following him back into ryu's office along side Obi "hello agin" Obi sighs "I found some stragglers" Kirito says "oh that reminds me shidan gave me this in case of an emergency it's about Gawark" Kirito says handing me a letter

Obi prospective

Kirito hands (u) a peace of paper and she opens it before starting to read

Signs that you shouldn't push Gawark too far when she's acting odd:

-she stops messing with poeple
-she stops running off after leaving work on other people's desks
-she doesn't respond to you after calling out her name three times
-if you find your self caught in the clutches of this version of Gawark... just give up

(u) reads sweat dropping "what a useless man" suzu retorts at the unhelpful letter "*sigh* well I guess we don't have a choice when Gawark is counting on us" suzu says looking down at all the work ahead of us "wait a sec there is something useful" (u) says and every one stops what there doing to listen "apparently tea when ever the chife drinks some tasty tea it mellows her out" (u) says "well then miss if you guy's wanna get all the herb stuff finished up me (u) and little Kirito can gather up some supplies to make tea with" I say "yes that sounds good we're almost at a good stopping point so that would be grate" the miss say "c'mon Kirito let's go get some yummy stuff!" (u) grins grabbing the little kids hand dragging him out of the room and down the hall to the storage room "well we'll be back" I say following them down the hall and going into the storage room to see they've already gathered some things and little Kirito stands on his tippy toes trying to reach for a glass jar of sugar jumping up and down trying to grab it "wow be carful your gonna brake somethin kiddo" (u) says taking the glass jar off the top shelf handing it to Kirito "thanks" Kirito says adding it to the pile of herbs "i Can already tell this'll be a mess" I say helping them gather stuff and after a few minutes we'v raided the pantry "well I think this is everything we could ues let's take it back and see if they finished all those papers" (u) says picking up some bags off herbs and me and Kirito do the same walking back into little ryu's office to see that the Miss and every one els gave just wrapping up everything "oh! Grate put everything here! You guy's have perfect time I swear" the miss says "sure thing can we help? With any thing els?" (u) says placing the bags off stuff on the table the Miss instructed us to "if you want of cores" the Miss nod's and we soon get started on making some tea and the Miss and the others start to talk herbs 'a foreign language' I think watching them scramble around ryu's office mixing up different herbs "it's witch craft" (u) murmurs and Kirito nod's "ruko fruit is perfect for body fatigue right?" The Miss questions "yep we also need somthing good for eye health and calming someone down" Yuzuri says "what's this?" Kirito ask's "that's rock candy made from shuria flowers" the miss says

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