After math drinking party

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(u) prospective

"Hay Their your higness" I greet with a cheeki smile as iv sat on the rail of izana's office "my what a suprise you really got past all those gaurds?" Izana ask's while continuing to 'read' his book "It wasn't that hard but don't you think it's over kill? I had to run on the roof top to avoid all the guards" I sigh scratching the back of ny neck "but any way I was actually planing on coming to visit you before hand but plans got changed so I only have a minute or two to talk before ruterning to the prince" I say "is that so?" Izana hums "Mhm! I'v come to congratulate you your highness!" I nod with a grin "Oh? So not another threat?" Izana chuckles putting down his book lookign over at me from inside of his office before getting up from his seat grabbing two glasses and a bottle before walking onto the balcony and over to me "Would you like a glass?" Izana offers as he pours him self a glass of wine "yeah sure as long as it's not too strong" I nod grinning and izana pours me a small shot "so how are you liking being zen's aide hmm?" Izana ask's "it's grate!" I grin and izana's about to say more but his expression turns to pure shock seeing that iv just downed the glass of wine he gave me "what?" I ask confused tilting my head to the side and izana chuckles "nothing your just one interesting character (u)" Izana smiles lookign at his own cup before downing his own glass of wine with a satisfied laugh

Izana prospective

"so that haki girl your highness" (u) says "what about her?" I ask calmly "you gonna ask for her hand?~" (u) ask's teasingly "I plan to yes" I nod and (u) looks at me rather surprised "oh wow I didn't expect you to tell me that" (u) says "well I have no reason to hide it from you" I shrug "well don't worry your higness you're not so secret secret is safe with me!" (u) grins and I chuckle lowly "you don't have to address me formally just do as you please" I say contently and (u) looks at me extremely confused "p-pardon???" (u) questions "it's amusing to observing how you act how ever you please around any one no matter who they are so please continue to make this castle an interesting place and froget about my title" I say "o-ok then... I-iz-Izana" (u) struggles and I laugh "alright go on I bet that someone's worried about you" I say and (u) smiles "welp bye then Izana!" (u) waves letting her self fall back wards off my balcony before she disappears into the darkness of the night 'I think she's the first person to chug down a glass of wine infront of me as if I didn't poses the title of a king' I think chuckling to my self amusedly

Obi prospective

My head whips in the direction of the entrance hearing the door open but I sigh seeing it's just zen who's walked in "wow you look so happy to see me" zen says sarcastically "so where's the Miss?" I ask "she said she'd be taking a bath so we're's your (u)?" Zen ask's with an amused smile seeing how mopey I'm acting "I donna... she didn't say were she was going..." I grumble "hay look who I ran into!" The miss smiles walking into the office and I smile seeing (u) walking in behind her waving "hope we didint keep ya waiting" (u) says sitting down next to me and the Miss sits down next to the master "so... what's the big idea Master? It's not every day you propose a drinking party" I say "worried you'll have trouble falling asleep on your own?" (u) ask's jokingly "bingo" Master said dead serious

(u) prospective

"The coronation when off with out a hitch" zen says sitting down inbwtween little red and Obi and he raises his glass "but I want our night to last a little longer so please bear with me" the prince declares "as you command!" Obi grins and everyone els smiles nodding in agreement pouring them selves a glass of wine "here drink up (u)!" Obi says filling the glass in my hand up "more more to the brim!" Obi chuckles "ack! Wait Obi it's gonna over flow!" I panic "alright then" Obi smiles handing the bottle over to kiki and mitsuhdeay "I-I don't think I can drink this all" I say intimidated by how much alcohol I'v already consumed "it's not that much" Obi says puzzled "yeah but I had a glass with izana so I'v already have some alcohol tonight" I say and the hole room goes quite as everyone stairs at me in utter shock "you had a drink with my brother!?!" Zen ask's "u-uh yeah I did" I nod "wow that's surprising" mitsuhdeay hums as I take a sip of the wine

Obi prospective

"Hay mitsuhdeay who was that raven haired dude you were talking to at the banquet?" I ask "hmm? Oh... um? I'm sure you'll meet him eventually Obi..." mitsuhdeay sighs in annoyance 'so not a good guy...' I think "you'll probably hate each other's guts" kiki says "the guy didint look very trust worthy" (u) chimes in after taking a swig of wine "the guy there talking about mitsuhdeay? It's lord Hisame yeah?" Master ask's and I recognize the name mitsuhdeay had ranted on about him before "ah duh! I hurd that mitsuhdeay and him get along like cats and dogs" I say "on that note Shiriuki there was talk that prince raj's attendant would show but he didint in the end" kiki says and i scowl hearing the mountain monkeys name "ah that's right mihaya is a viscount now I would have been shocked to see him here given how he is and all" the miss says "mihaya? If he ever drops by agin it'll be too soon" I glare and (u) giggles "so does that make mihaya the dog to your cat?" (u) ask's laughing like crazy "oh you think that's funny?" I smirk putting my glass down and I start ticking (u) making her burst out laughing "ah haha! Obi! PFFF! Haha! Stop! I can't-bah haha!-Breath!" (u) giggles in between eruptions of laughter and I smile letting (u) go while everyone smiles at us

(u) prospective

Once I catch my breath and calm down I pour my self another glass of wine listening in on everyone's conversations and I notice little red's face is starting to flush a bit "Shiriuki you look a little flustered want some water?" Mitsuhdeay offers "nah I'm fine mitsuhdeay the chife... she trained me to handle this!" Red says "she did?" Zen questions "that makes me wonder Obi" I say as little red and the prince converse "hmm?" Obi hums looking over at me setting the empty glass in his hand back down "how come you can handle your alcohol so well?" I ask "guess it just depends on the person but the fact that iv been drinking for a while may also be a factor" Obi shrugs "iv built up my tolerance I'm sure you will too but speaking of I'm taking this" Obi says taking my glass away from me "hay!!!" I whine trying to reach it but Obi laughs holding it above his head as I try reaching for it "no fair!" I pout

Time skip
Obi prospective

"And the Miss is out like a lightbulb!" I laugh seeing the little miss has passed out and master gets up wobbling his way over to her "w-what are you doing zen?" Mitsuhdeay ask's As (u) watches the prince cautiously 'does she still not trust the master? I mean I understand that it probably isn't very easy to trsut people after going what she went threw but still...' I think looking over at (u) while she keeps her eye's on the master watching his every move around the Miss "I'm guarding her" master says "are you drunk master?" I ask with a raised brow

Another time skip zen and little red are asleep
(u) prospective

I smile looking to my side seeing (u)'s leaning against me reacting her head on my shoulder but she's refusing to close her eye's and go to bed "not sleeping tonight mitsuhdeay?" I ask seeing that mitsuhdeay is wide awake and reading some papers "hmm? I may go to sleep soon what about you Obi? It's not like you to fall alseep before me" mitsuhdeay says "day's like these tire me out actually" I say "and you (u)?" Mitsuhdeay questions and (u) jolts "n-not alseep!" (u) says sitting up wobbly looking around the room and I sigh pulling her back making her rest her self aginst my shoulder agin  "(u) just go to sleep" mitsuhdeay says seeing that (u) trying especially hard to keep her eye's open yet she looks like she could pass out any second "cant... not around... other people..." (u) mumbles not even trying to fight me "you sleep with me every night tho" I say "..... I trust you..." (u) says bearly above a whisper "I'm hurt (u) do you not trust me?" Mitsuhdeay ask's sarcastically "not... what I meant..." (u) says tiredly yawning "just close your eye's and go to sleep princess I'll stay up a bit longer" I whisper moving a strand of hair from (u)'s face and she stairs at the floor for a second almost in a daze "alright..." (u) admits defeat finally letting her self close her eye's and I smile letting out a content sigh "she trusts you a lot Obi" mitsuhdeay says quietly trying not to wake (u) or anybody els for that matter "hmm! I don't wanna ever do anything to brake her trust ether"

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