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The next morning
Obi prospective

I wake up to find that ryu is passed out lying in between me and (u) even tho we have a spare bed and that (u) is still awake after requesting gaurd duty last night "you really stayed up all night princess?" I question yawning as I sit up careful not to wake ryu "oh your awake? Good morning and yes I stayed up all night" (u) nods stretching her arms over her head "I could have taken over for you then you coulda got some sleep" I tell (u) but she shakes her head "you really think this place is that bad?" I ask "not at all I just feel more comfortable staying up" (u) shrugs "I understand that but you still need some sleep" I say "I'll take a nap today" (u) says and I sigh "you'd better"

(U) prospective

"Ryu wake up it's time to get ready" I say shaking ryu lightly after me and Obi have gotten dress for the day and ryu slowly wakes up before getting ready and the three of us meet up with Shiriuki in the hall before making our way to the laboratory threw out the day Shiriuki and ryu fill out some papers help suzu out study a bit and little red tries once agin to make the medicine she was trying to make yesterday but fails me and Obi on the other hand stay off to the side lines threw out the day helping out where ever we can trying not to get in the way making our rounds and before we know it the sun's set and the day's over "leaving suzu? Good work today" little red says "same to you" Suzu nods before leaving the laboratory as ryus packing up for the day but Shiriuki is setting up instead of getting ready to leave "it's pretty late you know what'er you up to little red?" I ask walking up to little red from behind "oh (u) I'm just taking another crack at that medicine I won't be able to sleep until I get it down" little red says and ryu walks up to the two of us with Obi following behind him "Is it ok if I stay late to help Shiriuki prefect the medicine she was trying to make yesterday?" Ryu ask's me "oh! Well I'm fine with that what do you say little red?" I question "yes yes yes!!! I could use your expertise ryu thanks so much!!" Little red beams with excitement and Obi laughs "I'll stay too to help out" I offer but Obi shuts me down "nope I won't allow it" Obi says stubbornly "what??? And why not???" I ask "Cuz you stayed up all night on gaurd duty go get some sleep me and ryu shouldn't be long I'm sure the miss'll get the hang of things quickly she has a knack for this kinda stuff" Obi says "but-" "I won't take no as an answer" Obi says in a playfully tone crossing his arms like a little kid and I giggle a bit "alright fine good night" I smile pecking Obi's cheek before hugging ryu "good night ryu see ya" I wave

Obi prospective

"Hopefully she actually falls asleep but I doubt that" I chuckle helping the miss and ryu set up there little lab experiment "I never said anything cuz I was too embarrassed" Ryu says lifting a large bowl onto a table pouring some ingredients into the bowl while the miss reads some directions "but... could you thank (u) for carrying me back last night?" Ryu ask's shyly looking down at his feet and I smile "sure thing bud" I nod and soon him and the miss get started on making medicine but the miss makes yet another bad batch after watching ryu demonstrate agin "little ryu stirred 29 times slowly then 15 times after adding the rest and finally 21 times after picking up the pace so he was stirring faster than you miss if you wanna use that as a reference" I say and both the miss and little ryu stair at me in shock before the miss tries agin and this time she successfully compounds the medication

Ryu prospective

"See you tomorrow ryu! Good night you two!" Shiriuki waves as me and Obi head back to our room but I keep wondering about how Obi figured that out "Obi" I call "hmm? What's up?" Obi questions looking down at me as he has his hands rested behind his head "what did you and (u) do before coming to the castle?" I ask and Obi's eye's widen the slightest bit before he laughs "it's kinda complicated" Obi says "oh sorry for asking" I say "don't be it's fine" Obi reassures me before we walk into our room and find (u) passed out

Obi prospective

'She's not alseep' I think entering the room and I sigh sitting in bed waiting til ryu falls asleep to talk with (u) "I know your awake (u)" I say and (u) opens her eye's "I couldn't fall asleep by myself" (u) says scratching the back of her neck nervously "well I guess it's ok because I need to talk with you ryu wanted to thank you for carrying him back here last night and he wanted me to express that to you but something a little more sensitive came up he asked me on the way back to the room what me and your jobs used to be" I say and (u)'s eye's widen before she gulps "what'd you tell him?" (u) ask's with a shaky voice "nothing but that's why I wanna talk with you we gotta tell him that we were assassins eventually we can't keep it a secret for ever" I tell (u) and she lets out a long breath "how do you think they'd react?" (u) ask's "I couldn't say but I'm sure everything'll be fine don't worry about it right now you need to get some sleep" I say and (u) cuddles up next to me falling asleep with in five minutes

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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