Open castel day!

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(U) prospective you guy's have located red and zen after mitsuheday almost lost it

"Great you found me thanks you guy's" zen sigh's "are we inurupting something? So sorry" Obi says "hay thair shiriuki" mitsuheday greets "zen you can't wonder off" Kiki says "hay red!" "A reminder even thow the public areas of the castle are limited today you still need to be careful about were you go" mitsuheday says "well excuse me for wanting to stroll solo" zen says standing up "mitsuhesay was getting pretty worried about you" Obi say "yeah he even threatened to-" "HAY YOU TWO! I thought we agreed to keep that between us" he says "Kiki do i still have some time?" Zen ask's "yes but not much" she says "excellent what about you?" He ask's red "uh? Mmhm!" She nods "all right it's settled then the 6 of us are going to take a small trip around the grounds" zen says and we all smile in agreement
we walk threw the crowded streets with lots of colorful banners and shop stands lining the street with tones of people smells and activity's "wellcome friends come on over we have all kinds of goodies" one store owner says "wow thair are food stalls too?" Red ask's looking around "we brought them in from the castle town just for today" zen says "nice! They'v got liquor too!" Obi says looking at a stand full of all sorts of alcohol 'ugh I don't wanna know what would happen if I drank any of that' I think continuing to walk with the group "now's not the time for drinking" mitsuheday says "hurry mama!" I kid says running into mitsuheday and he lifts him up turning the little kid in the right direction "watch we're your go in little man" he says waving to the kid "it's really busy now" Kiki say "well it is almost lunch time" mitsuheday says and red pulls up her hood "hang on this isn't normal is it? Have you worn that hood before?" Obi asks "mmhm thought I don't we're it a lot I just like to avoid attention when I'm in a big crowd like this" red says "mm gotcha I guess your hair does kinda stand out" Obi says "huh? Looks like some entertainment might be about to start" mitsuheday syas "I wonder what it is" red add's "let's go cheack it out" Kiki says and the three of them go to see while me the prince and Obi stay back "has shiriuki had problems with her hair getting the wrong attention?" Obi asks and zen gives him a look saying yes "ah I don't blame her for keeping that bright color under wraps" Obi say "nether do I people can be morons but it sure is pretty" zen says "hay (u) have you had trouble with your eye's and all?" Obi asks and I give him an 'are you stupid look' "of cores I have" I say "why do you think I didn't want you finding out when we first met?"  I ask "I guess you have a point any way I'll be back see ya later (u)" Obi says going off on his own "(u)?" Zen asks "yes?" "Iv been wondering you'v a lot in common with shiriuki......... what do you think's best for her?" He asks "I think you'v done everything you can I wouldn't worry about it she's happy and that's really all that matters" I say before the three walk back over to us "were did Obi go?" Red ask's "I have no clue"

Obi prospective

The guy throws two punches and I block both 'wow he's not very strong' I think and duck under his next punch while kicking him in the side knocking him out he lands on the ground with a thud and the reffere walk's up to me "end mach! The winner is... Nanaki!" He says handing me my prize then I spot (u) and the other's I smile and wave to them "hey master! Did you watch me win that match!?" I ask "look I got a prize!" I say holding up the bag "your not so post to disappear like that! And who's this 'nanaki' anyway?" Obi asks "for tournaments like this I use a stage name so I can feel famous" i say "your a very strange man" the master says while (u) trys her hardest not to laugh "I couldn't care less about the stage name what I wanna know is how you acquired those amazing combat skills Obi" mutsuheday says "wanna fight me some time and find out mitsuheday?" I ask "yeah your on!" He says "zen it's about time to get going" Kiki says "right I'll see you later oh Obi (u) you to have off go have fun" zen says leaving and red goes to the medical wings "Obi wanna go?" (u) asks "wait a second" I say and dig threw the bag I won "here for you" I say putting the hair ornament to in her hair "uh? What's this?" She asks feeling the small peace of jewelry "it's for you I won it in the match I thought......... I'd look pretty on you" I say and she smiles "thanks Obi!"

Obi x reader 'my princess'जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें