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obi prospective

I wake up still holding (u) and smile putting my head ontop of her's 'she looks so peaceful when she's sleeping' I think smiling softly and stand up leaning (u) aginst the wall so she can sleep and I walk outside sitting on the rail of the balcony 'it's probably nothing....' I think and after a few minutes pass by the door to the balcony open's and (u) walks up to me still half alseep "watch it princess if your not careful you'll fall" I say as she climbs onto the balcony "I'm fine see" she says 'fine' I repeat in my head and (u) slides closer to me leaning aginst me making me smile "tired?" I question and she nods "I don't get how your tired you slept for like an entire day" I chuckle and she yawns "what ever I can be tired as long as I want" she mumbles smiling slightly "come on you can't fall back asleep we need to go" I say and she sighs sitting up "fine your right" she says getting up walking back inside grabing some clothes walking into the bathroom getting changed coming back out and grabbing her weapons walking back out to me "so what are we doing today?" She asks "well watching the miss besides that I'll half to ask the master" I say jumping off the rail "I'll go check on red then" she says walking in that direction "you want me to come too?" I ask "nah I'll be fine" she says "(u)" I call and she stops walking to face me "hmm?" "He carful don't be reclass" I say and she smiles "I'll try Obi" she says "you know that's not very convincing" -_- I say and she laughs "what ever I'm going now I'll see ya" she says walking to the medical wing 'please be safe...'

(U) prospective

I turn around and see Obi walking into the castle and I sigh 'if someone is here for me it's better to stay at a distance from people' I think making my way to the medical wing 'but there's nothing more I can do after that' I think taking a blade out from my pocket spinning it and tossing it up in the air

Mean while Obi prospective

I walk into the masters office "oh! Obi there you are is (u) ok? Why'd she leave early?" The master asks "she-" 'it's probably not a good idea to alarm him just yet if there's still a chance nothings going on' "she just wasn't feeling good she's better now" I say "I'm glad I thought I said something to offen her" mitsuheday sighs "you did" I say "wh-wha?! Ah I'm sorry!" He says and I laugh "anyway master what's on todays agenda?" I ask "nothing out of the ordinary just watch over shiriuki but would you mind telling (u) somthing? I need her to go out to town tomorrow we got an order of weapons in and we need some one to pick them up" he says 'I don't like this idea' "why not mitsuheday it's not like he's busy" I say "actually tomorrow me kiki and mitusheday will have some things to do and sence only one of you need to keep an eye on shiriuki then one of you can get the stuff from town" he say "so if one of us need to watch over the miss can't I go instead?" I ask "well?..... yeah I don't see why not" the master says "well if that's all I'll see ya later" I say jumping of the rail of the balcony

Zen: 'was it just me or was somthing off about him?'

(U) prospective

I continue to walk to the medical wing throwing my knife up and down in the air with a smile playing at my lips but then suddenly my bliss is inturupted when a knife comes flying towards me it hits my knife I had just thrown up into the air causing it to ricochet and cut my cheek right below my eye 'dame it!' I think leaving the knife and grabbing a new one from my pocket while I run after my stalker running threw the thick brush and mud trying to keep up 'this guy's fast!' I finally get close enough to them and catch a glimps em but not enough to tell who they are not even there gender after a lot of running they just..... disappear..... 'fuck! I lost them! Dame it! That was my chance!' I think throwing my knife into the ground crouching down on the ground 'dame it..... it's an assassin....'

Obi prospective

I continue to walk to the medical wing when I see (u) up ahead of me on the trail picking a knife up putting it in her pocket 'Looks like a new knife nice too' I think walking up to her "what are you still doing here (u)? I thought you'd be with the miss by- WHAT HAPPENED!?!" I ask cupping her bleeding face making her look at me "o-oh Obi it's nothing I..... well funny story I saw something in the woods I thought it may be my follower turns out it was an animal...... I kinda got too close and it scratched my face" she laughs nervously scratching the back of her neck "that so?.... huh?.... what kinda animal was it?" I ask suspiciously "it's was um uh? a squirrel" she says "uh-huh and how'd you mistake a squirrel for a person?" I ask not buying her story "I really did Obi I thought it was a person turns out it wasn't...." she sighs "ok well then explain the gash across your cheek" I say "I told you the squirrel did it" she says "*sigh* fine let me see" I say looking at the cut "it's pretty deep for a squirrel what'd you do?" I ask "I...... accidentally knocked it off it's tree branch" she says "next time try not to get distracted making trouble for the wildlife you could run into a bob cat" I say taking a bandage from my pocket wiping the blood from her face "come on let's get to the medical wing we're late and there's actual medical supplies there" I say walking with her to the medical wing

(U) prospective

Me and Obi walk into the medical wing and I see red working on some medicine with Ryu "hay red what you up too?" I ask walking up to her "oh hay (u) I was just- oh my god what happened!?" She ask's looking at my cheek and I touch my face seeing blood on my hand 'still bleeding huh? must have been a specially crafted blade to make me bleed this much' I think and grin "it's nothin' red I was just attacked by a squirrel is all" I say "a-a-a squirrel???" She ask's confused "yep! Those little monsters are vicious" I nod and she laughs "ok then you want me to look it over?" She asks "uh-" "nah I'v got it miss (u) come mere" Obi says and I walk up to him "let me se your face" he says and I turn letting him see the cut "geez you need to be more carful" he says wiping more blood from my face "it's fine Obi" I say "don't argue it your bleeding" he says and I sigh letting him clean the cut "there now don't pick a fight with any more squirrels" he says "fine fine I just thought it might want to be friends after all risu(your old pet squirrel from the beginning of the book) never scratched me" I say standing up "thanks Obi" I tell him walking over to red "ok! Im here now! How can I help?"

Time skip the work day has come to an end
Obi prospective

"By red! See you tomorrow!!" (u) smiles waving to the miss as we leave the medical wing walking to our room "so Obi? Did the prince not have any extra assignments for us today?" (u) ask's looking up at me "oh actually about that tomorrow I'll be going into town to pick up some training supplies so you'll be at the castle watching red I'll probably be back by late afternoon" I say and (u) nods "oh let me see your face is the cut still bleeding or did it stop?" I ask "it's good see?" She says turning so I can see the cut "well it doesn't look infected at least" I say as we walk to our rooms and I follow (u) in side if hers "wait! Obi get out" she says pushing me out side 'aww~ there are more always than one to get into her room' I think going in my room walking onto the balcony and jumpin onto (u)'s and picking the lock to the window 'hehe...'

(U) prospective

I lock the door and walk into the bath room changing into some clean cloths 'ah that's better' I smile and walk out of the bather room to see- "OBI!!!" I shout seeing him in my room "hay (u)" he grins "" I glare "just like last time I picked the lock!" He smiles "THATS BRACKING AND ENTERING!!!" I shout
"Well technically I didn't brake anything..." he defends him self "what ever get out" I say flopping down on the bed "aww! But it's been nice staying with you why not?" He asks "mmmm?.... fine... you can stay" I sigh in defeat still keeping my head buried in the sheets hiding my smile 'it has been nice having him here' I think and then feel the mattress shift underneath me making me look up to see Obi lying next to me "what do you think your doing?" I ask "trying to go to sleep" he says "mm?.......... fine" I say and he smiles hugging me "gah! O-Obi! Let go a me!" I say squirming trying to get out of his arms "just stay please...." he says and I freeze before calming down "....fine... night" I say smiling closing my eyes 'this is.... nice..'

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