Sleep over

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Obi prospective

"Well! Me and Obi'll be off! C'mon Kirito Ryu! Let's get goin" (u) says as we stand up leaving the master and the Miss to enjoy the rest of the tea "coming!" Kirito says running after us and I grin picking him up placinf him on my shoulders making him laugh a little and Ryu stairs up at Kirito "c'mon our room's arnt far" (u) says offering Ryu her hand with Smile and he blushes taking her hand making (u) smile wider "I have an idea Kirito when we get back you can show me those cool knife tricks you'v learned then we can go to the garden and library for Ryu" (u) says making the two boy's smile "YEAH!" Kirito grins "what do you think Ryu?" I ask as we walk down the hall way to my and (u)'s room "sounds like fun" Ryu nod's trying to hide his smile "grate then we can grab something to eat after wards" (u) says before we get to our room's and I set Kirito on the ground digging threw my pocket for the key before I unlock the door letting (u) Kirito and Ryu inside "WOW! This place is huge!!!" Kirito shouts running around the room and Ryu let's out a small gasp following Kirito around the room and (u) smiles sitting down on a small couch and is it down next to her "there so cute" (u) smiles watching the two kids run around the room in ever direction and then Kirito runs over to us followed by Ryu "can I show you? Can I show you!?" Kirito ask's jumping up and down and (u)'s eye's change to yellow "hehe sure kiddo" (u) nod's and Kirito smiles taking the small pocket knife from his back pocket holding it out infront of him before spinning it around his pointer finger a few times before dropping it "wow! That was grate! It's amazing how quickly you learned that!" (u) says "yeah that was awesome kid it took me way longer to learn how to do that" I say making him smile even wider "thanks! I'm still working on how to stop it with out cutting my self so for now I'm just dropping it but shidan said I could probably learn it in a few weeks!" Kirito says putting the knife back in his pocket

(U) prospective

"You tea wanna go to the garden?" Obi ask's and Ryu nod's quickly "let's go then" I say getting up and we head out of our room locking it Before walking threw some door's to a small indoor garden and Ryu takes off with Kirito scampering behind him and me and (u) follow the two "Ryu what's that?" Kirito ask's pointing to the (eye color) flower that ryu's stairing at "it's a (eye color) iris flower...." Ryu says playing with the petals "same color of your eye's princess it's pretty" Obi say's smiling a bit "why do you keep calling (u) princess?" Kirito ask's and Ryu ask's looks up at Obi wanting to know the answer "oh..... it's a Nick name" Obi says "yeah he wouldn't stop calling me princess I gave up on trying to correct him so it's my Nick name now" I say "it's kinda grown on me I half to admit" I add "so are you royalty or something?" Kirito ask's "huh? Oh! no I'm not I'm far from" I chuckle "then why'd you chose princess if she's not royalty Obi?" Kirito questions and Obi thinks for a moment "well I guess It kinda just popped into my mind one day and it stuck I guess I let it slip one day but I'm kinda glad it's cute!" Obi grins scratching the back of his neck "princess hmm?....." Kirito says stairing at me for an uncomfortably long time before he grabs Ryu dragging him away

Obi prospective

"Haha! What are they up to?" (u) smiles as her eye's turn bright yellow watching the two boy's huddled on the ground talking "I'm not sure I'll go see" I chuckle and (u) sits down playing with some birds who made there way into the garden while I walk over to Kirito and Ryu "what cha doin?" I ask "shhhh! C'mon help us" Kirito says pulling on my shirt and I crouch down next to the two "what are we being so secretive about?" I ask in a whisper "Kirito wants to make (u) a flower crown" Ryu tells me "oh I bet she'd love that" I say "so your in?" Kirito ask's "ha sure" I nod "what color's?" Ryu ask's "umm...." Kirito trails off "she look's good in pastels" I say "ok then mission flower crown is ago" Kirito says "hay don't we need code names?" I say and Kirito smiles "yeah yeah! You'll be....... black cat" Kirito names me "you Ryu..... you can be book worm!" Kirito decides "you can be rascal" I grin "ok then let's go split up and pick the pastel flowers"

(U) prospective

"What are you three up to?" I ask standing above the three boy's crouched down on the ground whispering to each other "nothing! Hay! Did I tell you how beautiful you look today!?" Obi panics "code blue! Code blue!! Make a run for it!" Kirito says and then the three run off in different directions making me laugh and I sit back down on the ground playing with some birds giving them some food I have in my pocket and after a few minutes I feel something placed on my head and turn around to see Kirito just put somthing on my head with a smile while Ryu stands beside him and Obi behind them grinning with a slight blush "it's cute!" Obi says and both Ryu and Kirito nod in agree ment "what's cute?" I question feeling the top of my head "flowers?" I question standing up "yep they came up with the idea to make you a flower crown sense your the princess!" Obi says smiles and my eye's turn the brightest yellow "all bow down to her higness!" Kirito grins bowing to me and I smile taking three of the flowers from my crown placing a white one on top of kiritos head a purple one on ryu's head and a (eye color) iris behind Obi's ear "Aww! You three are too cute thanks I love it!" I smile "it was all my idea!" Kirito grins pointing to him self "haha well i thank all of you" I say and the 4 of us spend a little bit more time in the garden's before we leave walking to the library and Ryu walk's away immediately heading to the herb shelves pulling some book's off the shelf and he sits down in a corner starting to read and I walk to some of the shelves "you lookin for something specific?" Obi ask's "not really just somthing I can read Kirito and Ryu" I say reading the back of the book glancing over the description before putting it back on the shelf "what about this one?" Obi says handing me nod book "the two mighty adventurers" i read the title the flip the book reading the description "yeah this seems interesting" I nod walking back over to the two boy's with Obi "did you find something you wanted Ryu?" I ask and he nod's standing up

Obi prospective

Me (u) Kirito and Ryu walk into our room and Kirito immediately plops down on the bed rolling around While Ryu sets his book down "hay why don't we make a pillow fort" I suggest and Kirito jumps to his feet "yeah! Yeah! Let's do it!!" Kirito grins grabbing a ton of pillows "haha well apparently all these pillows do come in handy for somthing" (u) says setting the book she got down on a table along with her flower crown gathering a few blankets handing and them to me "hay what do you boy's want to eat for diner?" (u) asks "dumplings!!" Kirito says "and you Ryu?" (u) questions while the half pint hands Ryu one small pillow making me chuckle "um.... a salad" Ryu says "Obi?" (u) looks at me "oh! Um what evere's spicy" I say "ok then I'll be back" (u) says walking out of the room the door closing behind her and I help the two boy's build a HUGE pillow fort "WOW! This is massive!!!" Kirito says stepping back from the fort to admire our work "the castle of pillow forts...." Ryu says "haha! I bet we can all fit! What do you think (u)?" I ask but then remember (u) left a few minutes ago to go get food "oh.... hay Kirito Ryu let's go help (u) out" I say "huh? Oh! Sure" Kirito nod's the three of us walk out of the room and down the hall towards the kitchen but we bump into (u) along the way surprising her "Oh! What are you three doing here?" (u) ask's as me Kirito and Ryu take the dishes of food from her "we thought you may need some help" I say "aww! thanks" (u) says as we walk back to the room going inside and setting down the food at the table "well! Let's dig in!!" Kirit grins

Time skip it's pretty late time to hit the sack!
(U) prospective

Me Obi Kirito and Ryu settle down in the pillow for getting comfortable the two little boys lying on ether side of me while Obi lies down infront of me uesing my legs as a pillow cloesing his eye's smiling 'he's enjoying this way to much' I think as my eye's turn orange opening up the book I got from the library "what's that?..." Ryu ask's looking at the book leaning his head aginst my shoulder and Kirito does the same "it's a story now hush im gonna read" I say opening the book up "chapter one-" I start and after two chapters kiritos out cold and Obi's keeping his eye's closed smiling just listening to my voice while Ryu struggles to keep his eye's open and I smile cloesing the book up placing it on my lap "c'mon time to go to sleep kiddo" I say in a whisper moving a strand of hair from his face "please no.... read... just a little longer..." Ryu says kinda dozing off "I'll make you a deal kiddo" I say "hmm?" Ryu hums "you can come over here to me and Obi's room every now and then and we can have a sleep over just like this and I'll read another cuple chapters of the book to you that sounds good?" I ask softly stroking the kids hair "yeah.... thank you.... (u)...." Ryu says before he finally lets him self pass out making me smile and Obi carefully sits up opening his eye's "there so cute...." Obi says in a whisper and I nod "it's gonna be sad saying by the Kirito agin I doubt little Ryu's gonna find another friend like him I feel bad...." I sigh playing with both kids hair softly smiling "well you should get some sleep too we have a busy day tomorrow" Obi says and I nod closing my eye's before letting my self drift to sleep

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