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(U) prospective the next day

Me and Obi spot ryu in the distance and decide to go see what he's up to but then I gust of breeze comes threw and the paper's he was working on go flying some into the tree he was sat under "hay half pint what cha do in?" Obi asks as we walk up him "it's Obi and (u)" he says to him self "uh oh probably want that huh?" Obi asks ryu looking up at one of the paper's stuck in the tree "mmhm" ryu nod's "so uh? You gonna get it down?" Asks him "I've never climbed a tree before" ryu says "what!? Are you serious!?" Obi asks "really never?" I ask him "never" he says "I can't even imagine that come on you might as well try" Obi says taking the books from ryu and he try's to climb it but doesn't get very far "already done? It's fine don't be so scared your lucky we're here to lend a hand" Obi says "upsydaisy" he says picking him up "can you reach it now?" Obi asks the kid and he grabs the paper "how old are you agin half pint?" Obi asks "um I'm 12" ryu says "oh? You weigh next to nothing right got it then?" Obi asks the kid "yes thank you" ryu says "good job! Want me to carry you to the medical wing like this?" Obi asks him "uh but thair cleaning up I wouldn't want to BE IN THE WAYYY!" He says as Obi starts to run with ryu on his shoulder's time skip 5 minutes your at the medical wing "whoa what's goin on here?" Obi asks as we walk into the room seeing a huge mass on the floor "we're drying out the research interments" ryu says "so that's why you were our side I get it now half pint hay iv never seen that flower what does it treat?" Obi asks looking at a buttercup yellow flower "it's pretty" I add "oh that isn't a medical plant shiriuki put it thair for decoration" ryu says "mm it's nice it's quiet a lovely addition" Obi says but then the door opens and red comes in carry a hole bunch of boxes "oh! Let me help!" I smile taking some of the box's "oh! (u) Obi!" "At your service!" I smile "should I just put this any we're I can find room for it?" Obi ask's "yeah thanks you two your timing is perfect" red smiles placing the remaining boxes on a desk while I put some on the floor "ryu here's the herb inspection form" red says handing ryu a small folded paper from her pocket "Are thair more boxes?" I ask "we could help you"Obi add's "I'm fine! I'm having a lot of fun learning all about the instruments in there I haven't seen before" red says as ryu goes over the paper "shiriuki what's this note about the enel herb?" Ryu ask's "the smell seem's to have changed from the last time it was prescribed it was pungent but smells sweet now" red says "any sign of bug's?" Ryu ask's her "definitely" red nod's "some mock enel must have gotten mixed in then I was sure I had been careful thow" ryu says thinking aloud "should we get rid of it?" Red ask's "mmhm" ryu nod's "I can take care of that I'm pretty sure thair's some in storage that was collected the other day I should probably check on that batch too" red says "yes" "alright I'm gonna go back to work oh looks like cleaning the lab is going to take longer than we originally thought" red says leaving "what a strange girl she reminds me of some one I know" Obi says "oh! Who?" I ask "heh oh just some (hair color) haired girl by the name what was it agin?" He question's "(u)?" I ask and he smiles "yeah! That's was it!" "Heh you two are weird" ryu smiles "*GASP* YOU SMILES OH MY GOD I DIDNT THINK THAT WAS POSSIBLE ITS SO CUTE! JUST LIKE YOUR SISTERS!" I smile squishing his cheeks "ehhh!? Ssss-......s stop" he squeaks "oops sorry!" I smile backing away "well we'll be off!" Obi says walking to the window "oh hold on a sec" ryu says going underneath his table/ bed? Bumping his head befor getting up and handing me and Obi some brightly colored seed's "these are seed's of the orbia flower from my personal supply thair for you" ryu says giving both of us three "are you serious?" Obi asks "yes for helping me get the paper" ryu says "oh? Thanks ryu!" I smile "well see ya later half pint" Obi says as we jump out the window "so Obi what cha wanna do?" I ask "well iv got a grate idea!" He smirks "what?" I ask "let's sneak into the masters office!" He smiles "hehehe I like the sound of that idea!" I say and we walk to zen office climbing up onto a tree and leaping onto the balcony "we made it!" Obi says and we walk in "wow no ones here!" I say looking around the deserted room

Obi x reader 'my princess'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora