Why is she crying?

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(U) prospective

I can hardly breathe it feels like my lungs are about to burst my feet are about to collapse and my eyes are burning with tears 'but I can't stop running we're should I go what should I do?!?' I think rounding a sharp corner and- "OWW" 'I bumped into someone?' I wonder and quickly look up to make eye contact with a tall man with gold cat like eyes and jet black hair

And that's how we met

(U) prospective 10 minutes prior

I sit on the branch of the tree I had just climbed and my stomach growl's I dig around in my (favorite color) bag looking for the bread I just bought at the last village I stoped at and I find it at the bottom of my bag taking the bread out of the bag it fills the air with a warm soft smell "mmmmm I haven't eaten in good quality food in a while" I smile and brake the bread in half to save some for later but then I feel a wait on my shoulder I jump placing my hand on my dagger as I look to see a small little gray squirrel sitting on my shoulder "oh.... you must be hungry too huh?" I ask looking down at the small loff of bred in my hands questioning myself "I guess I have enough to give you some" I take a little chunk of bread from the loff and give it to the small squirrel and it emeaditly starts to devour it "wow you must have been hungry what's your name?" I ask "...." the squirrel doesn't answer "well I didn't think you could talk but oh well I'll give you a name" i say and think about what name to give the fluffy little gray squirrel "I'll call you Risu" the squirrel then looks at me curiously and nuzzles his head against mine "I'll take it you like the name" I smile and hand the squirrel another peace of bread and I start to munch on the soft warm food my self when I hear something rustle in the bushes near the tree iv sat in i jolt up immediately and turn my attention towards the shrub behind me and I see something glimmer in the bushes 'crap he found me' I think and I jump down off the tree but not before I hear the all to frimilyar sound of a arow whizzing threw the air and it grazes my cheek just cutting bellow my eye as I land on the ground I start to run as fast as I can 'why can't I cach a break!?!'

Obi prospectiv (presint time)

I walk around aimlessly and rest my hands behind my head as I look up at the sky "Why did the master want me to go around the premises? it's not like-" befor I can finish my sentence someone forcefully runs into me making me stumble back a bit 'everyone els is inside there shouldn't be any one here' I think and quickly look down to see a girl with (hair color) hair and purple watering eyes with a squirrel on her shoulder 'why is she crying? and she's trembling? why's she running? Is she wanted?' I wonder and as all these questions run threw my head a man comes running in our direction he brings up a bow and arow aiming it at the girl that's just ran into me 'she running from him? Doesn't matter it doesn't seem like he wants to talk rhite now' I think and grab the girl by her wrist pulling her to her feet and I take out my dagger's aiming it at the man with the bow and arrows but not in time he fires the arow at me and the girl 'dame it! I don't have enough time to doge!!!'

(U) prospective

The black haired man I ran into grabs my arm ruffly by my wrist and pulls me behind him 'its perfect this is my chance to escape' I think but then I cach sight of the assassin after me and he shoot's an arow in our direction 'it's going to kill him! crap what should I do!?' before I can think anything threw and come up with a plan I jump on to the guy that was helping me and push him out of the way of the incoming arow and we both start to fall to the ground "IDIOT!!" the guy yells at me and i close my eyes expecting to be hit by the arow at any second but instead the man helping me pulls me towards him and the arow just misses my head 'wow he has quick reflexes' I think and as soon as we hit the ground he jumps up and pulls me up to my feet by my arm I stumble to my feet as soon as I get my footing the guy let's go of my arm and throws a dagger at the assassin chasing me and the sharp bald slices his fourarm causing him to drop his weapon panicked he starts to run away but the cat eye'd man throws another dagger and it slices the assassins ankle causing him to fall to the ground with a thud 'wow he's really good with those dangers'  I think watching as the guy who helped my runs over to the the assassin that's cowardly trying to crawl away and ropes him up 'I should go I can't stay here any longer I have toooo~....shit my head hurt like hell I...... can't.... feelll my f-feet' I think start to stumble around trying not to fall over 'Oi what did I get my self into now' I think as I pass out

Obi prospective

I rope the guy up and tie him to a tree before walking back to the (hair color) haired girl from earlier but as I aproch her she starts to stumble 'she's looseing her balance?' I think and she then losses her footing starting to fall over "shit" I curse and sprint catching her just before she hits the ground 'her breathings pretty labored and she's burning she musta got shot with a poison tip arow' I think "HAY OBI IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT!? YOUV BEEN GONE FOR A WHILE!" I hear master shout and I look away from the girl and her fuzzy friend to see zen and mitsuheday in the distance 'I should get her to Shirayuki' I think "master get shiriuki" I say to zen and mitsuheday and thay run up to me zen out of breath even thow he only ran like 30 feet

Zen prospective

"master can you take her to shiriuki? I'm pretty sure she was hit with a poisoned arrow" Obi explains 'I don't know if I can trust him around Shirayuki but what's important for this girl should be my top priority' I think "fine Obi you can take her to shiriuki me and mitsuheday will take care of this guy" I say seeing Obi's captured the girls attacker "I will master" Obi nods "prince zen are you sure about this?" Mitsuhdeay asks me as Obi takes the unconscious girl to Shirayuki "to be honest with you no but the girl needs help and if Obi was that concerned about her then it's important she gets medical attention but I'm more interested in why Obi showed so much concern for her.... mitsuheday do you think it would be good for Obi to have a partner? iv been wondering if I should partner him with someone for a while now but I haven't been able to find any one.... she mite be good for him" i say "i agree but what will she think we don't know the first thing adout her" mitsuheday says "I don't know what she'll think but befor we get too side tracked we need to get this guy to the gards" I say "of course zen"

Obi prospective

"hold on we're almost thair" I say and when I get to the cottage i open the door "shiriuki!" I call looking around and see the red haired girl playing a game of chess with Kiki "ummm what are you doing?...." Shirayuki questions but then she sees the girl and her eye's widen "Oh my! here take her to the spare room I think I have something on me that can help what exactly happened?" Shiriuki ask's as I follow her up stairs answering all her questions along the way she "just lie her down and grab a peace of cloth for me soak it in cold water" Shiriuki instructs and I nod walking down stairs and over to the cabinet i take out a gray towel and drench it in some water and quickly go back up stairs to help shiriuki

Dun dun dunnn what will happen to you will you die or become a cat or will your squirrel eat you I don't know

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