Im sorry......

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With the search party
Zen prospective

"Zen we found there trail there......" mitsuheday trails off "there what?" I ask "there headed towards the headstrow(made up name) manner" he says "the headstrow? Why there?" I ask "well.... there holding a party there tonight if (u) and Obi did go with some people willingly then....." "there probably not going to be at that part for the food" I finish his sentence trying to make it sound...... less gruesome than it's probably going to be "zen I don't think you should-" "I'm coming and your not stoping me" I say "then you can't stop me!" Shiriuki pipes in "what!? There no way I'm letting you walk onto a battle Field!!" I shout "zen if your going to go then you can't say no to her if you can go then she can too" kiki says and I sigh "fine....... just don't get hurt"

Back at camp
(U) prospective

"You guy's ready the partys' going to be staring soon" Phoenix says as me and Obi aproch him and phantom "yeah but can we go over the plan one more time?" I ask and he nods "me and you will sneak in threw the back we'll kill any witnesses so we don't cause a panic just yet phantom and Obi will be on the roof I scouted the area yesterday there's a perfect place on the roof if you look a little you'll see a small window looking down at the ball room once all three targets are in the room shoot the father me and (u) will take the other two targets while the attendees of the party flee once the targets are illiminated we'll meet up in the ball room and take the loot then...... job done" Phoenix says "now everyone understand?" He asks and we all nod "then let's go" he says and we start to walk towards the building "Obi-" "no good by's princess this isn't a farewell got it?" He asks and I smile "I was just gonna say I love you" I say before walking away with Phoenix but not before looking back at Obi one more time 'no good by's' I think to my self

Obi prospective

"I was just gonna say I love you" (u) smiles before walking away with Phoenix but stops to look back then turns around agin following Phoenix "well come on we need to get ready" phantom says and we make our way to the building and I start climbing while she stays on the ground "oh right (u) said you were scared of-" "no I'm not!! I just prefer climbing my way" phantom murmurs and I shrug climbing the rest of the way up "watch out" she shouts up to me 'huh watch out? Watch out for wh-' then she shoots an arow and it digs into the roof she tugs on the rope attached to the arow and she starts climbing up once she makes sure it's safe "so where's are view point?" She ask looking around the roof "there" I say pointing to a small window looking down into the ball room 'don't be reckless (u)'

(U) prospective

Phoenix jumps threw a window looking around the hall before signaling for me to follow I jump of the tree we were perched on and jump into the building "witch way?" I ask and he points down the hall we stealthily walk that way with out making a noise and we eventually come to a stop infront of two large door's and we peek threw the key holes looking inside the large ball room full of people dancing and talking "Phoenix I'v located our target's there together and right near the entrance" I say

Obi prospective

"Why don't yo take the shot? He's right there" I say to phantom seeing her target's in the perfect position "I can't yet if I do Phoenix's target's could easily get away there right by the entrance if we lose them in the crowd we'll lose our chance" phantom says just as Phoenix's and (u)'s target's start to move walking up some stairs probably to make a toast phantom takes in a slow steady breath as she aims her bow and arow at her target "bull's eye" she sighs right after letting go of the built up pressure in the string lanching the arow braking the glass and killing her target then the hold building submerges into panic as everyone run towards the exit 'your turn (u)....'

(u) prospective

Suddenly phantom's target drops dead as her arow goes there his heart "that's our Q" Phoenix says bursting threw the door's and we both run threw the crowd of screaming people 'god make it stop' I think as memories flash threw my head and I start to lose it my eye's turn a deep deep blood red and in an instant I kill both the target's my eye's go back to normal and I catch my self from falling as Phoenix walks up to me "wow you didn't even need me grate job" he say's grinning "yeah thanks" I say looking away watching all the terrified people running out of the building screaming and little kids tripping and falling trying to get away from me while the women and and men scramble to the door's with out a second thought leaving everything to get away from..... me "hay rainbow! Don't take it to heart it's not like they were even good people" Phoenix says trying to make what we're doing sound like a good thing "even so they were still living breathing people just like us...." I mumble and hear one of the door's open and I turn to see phantom and Obi walk In Obi following closely behind her keeping his hand casually on the hilt of his knife "hay Phoenix!! how'd it go!?" Phantom smiles waving i make eye contact with Obi for a split second and I take it as my Q in an instant I take my knife and stabe Phoenix threw the hart and his body falls to the ground but before Obi can react phantom pulls back her bow and arow aiming at me both me and Obi freeze as anger and hatred Flood her eye's tears threatening to spill out "phantom! I know that you loved him but what you'v been doing is wro-" "I LOVED HIM!!! WHY DODNT HE SEE THAT!?! WHY DID HE LOVE YOU!?! ME NOT YOU!! HE WOULD'NT EVEN LOK AT ME!! BUT YOU-YOU!!! JUST DIE ALREADY!!" Phantom screams and let's go of the string in her hand launching the arow towards me I try to doge and instead of a lethal blow to the chest it penetrates my stomach and I scream out in pain landing on the floor my vision starts to blur but I half to say one last thing to her...... "I know..... im sorry..... angel" I apologize calling her by her real name and her eye's widen hearing me use the name she hadn't heard in years and the unshed tears spill down her face and i pass out just before Obi stab's her

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