My past's catching up with me

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Thee next morning
(u) prospective

I open my eye's and smile seeing Obi hasn't left yet and I snuggle up closer to him burying my face in his chest "hmph! Your adorable" Obi smiles old iv me tightly in his arms 'I'm not gonna fight it' I think smiling and Obi laughs "ok princess I need to get going so don't fall asleep on me" he says sitting up and stroking my hair before getting up and I grown rolling over "why do you half to leave me?~" I wine "and he smiles "sorry princess but I half to I'll be back later" he smiles grabing his things before pecking my lips waking me up with a Yelp scrambling to my feet "hehe I'll be back don't get into trouble I don't wanna half to brake you out'a jail princess~" he teases walking to the door but I hug him before he can open it burying my face in the back of his shirt "come on I half to get going....." he says and I sigh letting go "I'll see you later tonight princess" he smiles softly walking out the door 'I wish you didn't half to leave...' I think getting dressed grabing my knives then going to the prince's office walking inside "prince? There anything I need to do today besides watchin' red?" I ask "actually yes he gaurds posted on the outskirts of the castle have been reporting strange things I was wondering if you could walk the perimeter for me" the prince says "can do anything els?" I question "no and thanks (u)" he says and I nod walking out of the office and to the outline of the castle 'well this is gonna be a long walk....' I think

Mean while Obi prospective

I walk into the armory where the weapons I'm sopost to be picking up are and look around "hay! I'm here to pick up some things for the second prince! Is anyone here?!" I call looking around "over here!" I hear a girls voice shout and I walk in that direction to see a brown haired girl with two different colored eye's behind the desk "can I help you?" She asks smiling "uh?..... I'm here for an order" I say "ah! Yes the one for the prince right?" She asks the smile not leaving her face I nod "here you go it's a lot need help?" She ask's putting 10 Woden swords 5 large knives and 2 actual swords on the counter "no I'm good" I say taking the stuff 'doesn't she need to see an identification?' I think walking out of the store 'that girl was weird...' I think making my way back to the castle

(U) prospective it's mid day your almost done searching the grounds

I sigh tacking a knife from my belt playing with it 'this is so boring' I think playing with the shiny blade when I see someone's reflection in the glint Suddenly some one bumps into me putting an arm around my shoulder and on instinct I turn holding a knife to-....... "phoenix!?" I ask seeing him and 'where's phantom!?! Shit! Why is he her!?!' "why in the hell are you here?" I hiss garing at the guy smiling at me like an idiot "com'on! We're buddies right? I just wanna talk! Like old times rainbow!" He grins "Like the Time you almost got me killed!?" I bark and Phoenix's smile turns into a glare as he titans his grip around my neck "you listen here I'm not asking you to come with me I'm telling you got it (assassin name)?" He glares "now why in the hell would I go with you?" I snarl "well I mean if you really don't want to know why I'm here fine you can go back to the castle with your friends" he says letting me go and I spin around with my knife still in hand "why...... IN THE HELL ARE YOU HEAR!!??" I scream "We want you to go on a mission with us it's grate pay but had ton's of risks" he says "THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL BASTARD! I'm not doin shit for you!!" I shout "suit your self...... we can do this the hard way..." he says disappearing and i fall to my knees 'shit.... shit.... SHIT SHIT SHITT SHIT!!!' I panic and suddenly I hear a noise from the bushes

Obi prospective

I walk into zen's office calling him "master where's (u)? She with the miss?" I ask "no actually she's searching the grounds for me there's been some odd activity so she's out right now" he says 'I don't like the sound of this' "master I'm going to go fine (u)" I say jumping of the balcony "wait Obi! Why!?" The master shouts "RESONS!" I say running to the castle gates 'please be ok!'

(U) prospective current time

I stand up readying my knife getting into a fighting stance when Obi walk up to me with a smile My eye's tear up and I throw my self at him tackling him to the ground in a hug not letting him go "hay! Princess what's wrong!? Why are you crying!?" He says sitting up still holding me "I-it's nothing!" I sob clinging onto his shirt "Then why are you crying?" He asks "Just happy! Happy!" I cry "happy? Why would you be crying? Why are your eye's purple? Your scared? What's going on?" He asks holding me protectively "it's........ nothing" I say as my voice cracks "*sigh* (u) I need to know what's going on" he says pulling back a little so he can see my face wiping my tears "what's going on" he asks agin "it's nothing Obi...." I repeat 'I can't tell him he'll be in danger if I do' I think standing up bu he grabs my hand "(u)..... you know you can trust me.... right?" He asks pleadingly "yeah.... I know Obi" I nod looking away 'I can't get anyone els roped into this mess I don't want anyone els in danger because of me I'll handle this on my own' I think walking the rest of the way to the castle with Obi in silence

Obi prospective your at the castle

"Hay (u)?" I call "hmm?" "You wanna come see the master with me? I need to ask him-" "no I think I'll go to my room.... thanks Obi" she says walking to her room "...sure...." I say before walking to the masters office 'somethings not right' I think walking inside the large office "oh Obi our back" the master says surprised to see me "yes I have a question for you the weapons I picked up when who ever normally goes do they half to show there ID?" I ask "yes you half to show your identification to prove you work at the castle and arnt trying to steal any thing" the master nods 'interesting...' I think "anyway master I'm gonna hit the sack night!" I say walking out of his office walking to (u)'s room 'I have a few questions I need answered'

(U) prospective

I walk not my room and get some clothes to change into but something caches my eye I walk over to the small desk by the window and see a note placed on it 'We're not going to stop (u) come peacefully and no one gets hurt' I read my eye's widen then the door to my room opens and Obi walks in "what cha got there?" He asks and I quickly hide the note behind my back and he walks up to my knowingly "(u) What is it your hiding?" Obi ask's taking multiple steps closer to me while I step further back until I hit the wall behind me "n-nothing Obi" I lie "then you wouldn't mind letting me see what the note says?" He asks putting his hand out for me to give him the letter but I shake my head no "(u).give.the.note." He warns and I try not to show any fear but it's very visible by my shaking figure and ghost pale expression "n-no Obi I-" before i can say anything els he pins me to the wall i try kicking him but fall and he catches me taking the note from me and helping me to my feet "Obi! Please give it back!" I cry trying to get it back but he doesn't give in and reads the note while I try my best to get it back and his eye's widen reading the note "(u)......" "p-p-please give it back!" I scream trying to get it but he crushes the paper in his fist "(u)! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN GETTING THREATS!?!" He shouts angered that someone would threaten me like this "it's nothing please Obi!" I sob melting onto the floor and he sighs sitting down next to me wiping my tears "(u) you need to tell me when things like this are happening I'm here to help you" he says as you calm down "we can tell zen about this and-" "no" i irrupt "no? What do you mean?" He questions becoming serous as you look away at the floor "(u) what's going on?" "There-..... there Back...." I say

Obi x reader 'my princess'Where stories live. Discover now